I’m really perplexed by this one.
I have an OT MK2 sending MIDI Program Changes and SYNC to an Erica Synths Midi Through out to an A4 and an AR (Mk1’s).
Everything seems fine with SYNC and PC messages except when I engage “1/2” scale in the Page Menu on the A4.
(I am also using 1/2 Scale on some of the OT tracks too).
The issue is the A4 always runs a bar late when OT sends out a PC message. Again, this only occurs when the A4 is using a “1/2 scale.” I’ve set the master as follows: LEN = 128, CHNG = 16 (tried 8, 32, etc…) Scale = 1/2.
What am I doing wrong here? I’m close to wrapping up a tune I wanted to share but I can’t figure this one issue out.
I’ve always had this issue too, but it’s kind of become a part of the song transitions for me!
I’m just wondering what happens if you put the A4 in Direct Jump mode…not sure I ever tried that.
Do you just have this issue with 1/2 scale or is it common place with normal settings?
It actually works great for one transition but on another screws everything up due to 1 bar off.
I just tried Direct Jump and the other mode too but no difference.
Man this is frustrating. I’ve tried going back to “normal” mode in the Pattern/Scale menu and it still doesn’t work. This is just math right? Or is this a bug?
These are my exact settings
Octatrack Master = 128, 1x scale. (5 tracks = 64/64, 2 tracks = 16/16, 1 master track)
Analog 4 Master = Advanced (all tracks 64/64). LEN = 64, CHNG (tried off, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64) 1/2x scale
Analog 4 Master = Normal 64/64. 1/2x scale
If I change the Analog 4 Pattern Scale back to “1x”, everything behaves normally. What is going wrong here?
I’m pretty sure there was a confirmed bug with syncing in advanced mode on A4. Not sure if it was supposed to be fixed or not.
I’ve certainly run into the same issue as you in the past. Have you tried setting all your devices to the same track scale? e.g… all on 64 1/2 scale. This worked for me and continues to work, but you lose sequencer resolution running at 1/2 speed.
Also, theres no need to set OT master length to 128. That will be equivalent to 2 pattern cycles causing program changes to be sent every 2 cycles when switching patterns.
Try setting OT to 64 1/2 scale I hope it helps…
Setting the Octatrack to 64/64 1/2scale seems to have fixed it!!! Thank you!
However, I have to go back and rework some stuff as I was running some individual tracks at 64/64 1/2 scale and to hear the second half of the full pattern on those tracks I had to double the master length.
So much fractions… Cheers
Only when I use 1/2 scale on one A4 track with the A4 master set to 128.
maybe set the individual tracks to 64/64 at 1/4 rather than 1/2 and their second half might play also?
hmmm, I’ll have to give that a try too. Thanks
pattern and individual track scale on the OT is so trippy, although somehow it makes sense.
Just because it’s my biggest peeve - all the boxes need the Octatrack’s individual track multipliers! They’re just so damn useful.