Unable to transfer .syx files to Analog Four - help needed!


Im attempting to send 128 .syx files from the Floppy Pirates patches to my Analog Four. Ive updated the OS to 1.22.

Open C6 application. I’ve made sure the AF is highlighted in the config menu. Copied the 128 samples to the C6 windows, all highlighted in blue

Midi Port Config - Input from USB
Output to USB

Function Global - Sysex receive - ‘Receive any’. Select +Drive sound - selected bank ‘A’ (zero sounds stored in this bank)

When I click on send the C6 sends 1 -4 files but nothing appears on the AF (Just waiting Data) and the C6 stops sending… The AF just says waiting data…

Can someone please help me to understand the problem here? Many thanks


disable Overbridge mode…

Thanks for the reply.

I forgot to mention that I also disabled Overbrige when I was originally attempting to copy the files.

Any other ideas? Really annoying as I adore this machine but this is proving to be frustrating!