Undocumented Polyphony/Multi Trick?

I discovered this randomly last night.

If you hold a note using the trig keys on Track 1 (for example) you can then select Track 2 (for example) and start playing the sound of Track 2 with the sound of Track 1 still being held. The MNM plays the sounds at the same time. But it get’s better, because you can stack ALL of the tracks at the same time by holding a note each time you select the next track!

Kinda cool for little transitions.

Yes its fine…
i didn’t think to post it sooner. Sometimes i think that every one knows thoses tricks…
Can change lot of things. I.e. you can alter octav, switch ARP, and so one, while your fingers still trig notes.

Yep! I noticed this a while back. Works on the A4 too. :slight_smile:

Or big ones :wink: Thanks for the tip!

Thanks for the tip! Just got my first Elektron box and joined this forum and there is plenty of good advice for me to absorb!