Updating MKII UI

UI kills it in the Digitakt, can’t the next update make the Analog MKII’s match closer.

Digitakt :slight_smile:
02 PM

Analog RYTM MKII :frowning:
53 PM

Also is there away to see the wav form in SMPL page AR, like you can in the digitakt SRC page
10 PM


Another example. 20 PM12 PM

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@Ess please?
Who if not you can make that happen?


+1 its almost weird that the UI of a device half the price of the AR is better


Yes!!! Obviously can’t have the UI change to the MK1, but why have a bigger screen on the MK2 if we can’t use it correctly?

Now that’s something I’d like to see. Please make it happen!

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Same ! Please

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Maybe skeuomorphism still is needed for us oldies using OT :wink:

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+1, still I doubt it’s very high on Elektron’s list. Even though it would have been the right thing to do for launch.


Yes, this would be awesome!

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Yes please. I much prefer the visual UI of the DTakts compared to the analog machines.

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