Updating OS

I’ve had my 'tone for a week now - sitting on the fence about the os update.

How’s it running for you? Any DSP boot failures? All good?

Thanks for any comments you may share…

No problems at all in the few hours I have had with it.

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So then maybe the problem I’m having with C6 is on my end. When you configure your midi in and out, does it say Digitone or Digitakt? Because the app thinks the tone is the takt…lol

I only ever had one or the other switched on, each was identified correctly.

Same here… Only one at a time, not sure why the app insists on the digitakt when it’s not even in the set up…
Great going Elektron…lol

Pretty sure someone else claims that it’s a bug and will change with update. They said they picked Digitakt and it worked fine not sure tho

Elektron Transfer recognizes my Digitone properly (as “Digitone”) - it just freezes / times out during the process of “connecting”, or the next step (which I can’t recall now) - before I’m able to drop the .syx file in the box. This makes me believe that ET was designed to work with the DN… it just doesn’t work yet.

It’d be really convenient (possible?) to be able to update the Digitone’s firmware using Elektron Transfer.

Ok, so it is on Elektrons end… I wasn’t sure if it was them or me at fault… I see now that I’m now among the group of users waiting for a functioning transfer app… Thanks for the replies guys…

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Wow that was really easy! Simple instructions. Just got my Digitakt and Digitone this week. Going to make a script out of this one for sure. Thanks!

I love my digitone but the mac integration is a really PITA!
I downloaded and installed (and deinstalled) the newest overbridge beta 10 times now. App opens, no Digitone showes up. Yes, I have the Overbridge Checkbox enabled.
So I thought: Maybe update to the firmware, even if my devices sais 1.21 on startup. Same issue with Transfer app as seen here:

Device List sais: Connected, but no Transfer page is shown. Not able to send Sysex file to machine.

I am using firmware-upgradeable hardware for endless years now, never had that much hassle with a device…

Ah, and yes, digitone is connected. Midi over USB showes up in Ableton Live.

I feel you. I thought upgrading would be as easy as plugging in the usb to my MacBook, but I was wrong. I downloaded SysEx Librarian since C6 SysEx Manager wouldn’t even open on my Mac OS 10.15.1.
I was able to upgrade my Digitone to 1.21 but I regretted it immediately. 1.21 has a slow UI, it gets stuck while using MIDI, knobs work half of the time, and recording freezes most of the time. I wish I had stayed with the factory 1.10 which had no problems at all.

I hope they give some love the Digitone software soon!

This is unusual behaviour. You should create a support ticket with Elektron so that they can fix it for you.


Just performed the upgrade to Digitone 1.31 using the above instructions and my Linux computer. Thanks, @kamil! BTW, the command used is essentially the same as sending any other sysex message to the DN using amidi. Thanks, Electron, for making your machines so accessible!

still works! just upgraded my digitone to 1.32 on ubuntu 21.10 and it was quick and painless!

It does work, however not without issues. In my case now, I needed to turn off SETTINGS > SYSTEM > USB CONFIG > USB AUDIO/MIDI (only USB MIDI must be selected). Before that, the device was stuck on waiting for data receiving to complete. It may concern only Linux systems, and probably only with some specific configuration. But still.

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as a follow-up, i just used this method to successfully load a few soundpacks on my dn

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amidi works for upgrading all elektron machines over midi from linux, but you can also use elektroid

I’ve used it for digitone (and A4 and AH)