Upgrade RAM on DT?

I would identify with this if you can prove the machinedrum UW has more ram than a ST.

Not saying you’re wrong by any means, it’s all very logical. but when I say basic sampling, I mean like machinedrum UW basic.

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IIRC, a rework station capable of handling BGAs is a $2,000-$20,000 piece of equipment and requires training and experience to use successfully.

As others have mentioned, adding a bigger RAM chip is almost certainly not enough - the firmware needs to make use of the extra address line.


I have not look at how much ram machinedrum UW has. But probably not a lot. I remember hearing 2.5MiB user wave.

But the machinedrum, monomachine,OT has a different architecture, it use a dedicated ASIC to do most math calculations. The DSP536xx from Motorola, it’s a chip for crunching data used on lots of synth from 2000 to 2010, used also on Virus.
So basically the coldfire of those 3 box has more headroom to do other things because he does not compute the sound.

And yes most probably it might be possible to use few MiB of ram to store sample on Syntakt. So a basic ram sampling machine.

My own theory around all of this, is you can not do what digitakt does on syntakt probably because lots of the ram is already used. But to be honnest I believe they might be able to implement a rec/play machine one day with few MiB of ram :slight_smile:
Basically killing again a bit more the MD UW.

right now syntakt has a pretty simple digital synth engines. sure there are some precomputed tables, but its small amount of RAM, few MB maximum, most of them from model cycles and made around 2op FM over simple waveforms. Also if there are 200MB of tables syntakt will load it from flash on start, right? So why it turning on so fast? Loading 60 MB of samples from flash into digitakt takes a lot of time

I have no idea why it take time on DT to load sample, I can admit that I have not my DT to look at this.
I would guess we can expect at least 10MiB/s at least from MMC with large 128KiB IO.
Maybe Digitakt is using float32 instead of int16 for sample in ram for ease of programming so there would be a lot of conversion…
Honestly no idea 🤷

Interesting how many ppl know so much about chipsets and stuff. Nice! :slightly_smiling_face:

So there is a way and certainly Elektron has the machines to do it and thus if they’re willing, then we could get a Deluge-Style replacement program to make the DT more usable and get it the sample machine it deserves. Not hoping for stereo sample (tho that would be awesome) but with plenty of RAM the DT could survive well into the future as the sample centerpiece (it already is in many setups). Because this measly limit it now has (as it was originally intended as a drum sampler with simple kb bits of samples) is severely limiting it!

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