Use Overbridge without audio

Not sure if that helps or works but maybe you can disable all audio tracks in the Oberbridge control App… ?


I’m might be missing something, but I couldn’t find such a setting in the Control Panel App.

Just checked the manual

Seems it is only available for Rytm/A4


Wow thanks ! I completely missed the little switches. I thought they were just very pretty rectangles :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


They don’t exist here.

Yeah, as I said it seems to be only available for the “big” Elektrons. I saw it on my A4K and Rytm but never used it.

Do you actually notice a big difference in the CPU meters if you enable Overbridge? Is there a difference when the Digitakt is off?

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I’m using a Rytm mkII.
I’ll check the CPU resources. Thanks !

Well, the bottom line is, Overbridge is not stable enough for live use. I got occasional hiccups or silence. Not too many but way enough for avoiding this on stage.
Is anybody using OB2 on stage ?

I wouldn’t do it with the latest version but with the previous one, maybe. I don’t know what they did with the latest version but it’s a step in the wrong direction.

Specifically, what kind of bugs did they introduce ?

Tempo fluctuations with some glitches.
OB devices stopping for no reason.

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Well that sounds like what I’ve been witnessing. Thanks

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Call me ignorant but why would I want the audio coming from the plugin instead of getting it from the direct outs into my interface? I want the conversion to happen on my expensive interface right?

Reason why I’m asking is because I’m struggling with my setup and noticed my Elektron gear isn’t always in synch with my other gear. All other synths get midi clock from Ableton through my motu express and work like a charm. Thinking of ditching Overbridge and sync through midi like mentioned by the OP and just use OB to record automation.

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Back to the game with a ARMK1.
Did anything change on reliability ?
My use case is :

  • I’d like to use OB to control the AR from Live. That’s all. No Audio needed (I prefer using the same audio interface as the rest of the gear). No sync (I sequence from Live only).

For now, I’ve witnessed some weird behavior of OB Engine saying “Measuring…” and the plug-in would not recognize the AR. Seems ok now, but not sure what happened.

Also, if I want to have sound from the hardware, I still need to have the Main Outs enabled in the Control Panel. Which feels weird, firstly because I don’t get why, and secondly because it means I need to have the AR Mains going out from the MIDI track, which I will need to mute since I’m getting the audio from the hardware.

Still wondering about using OB as the final purpose is live performances.

I’m stuck and frustrated because what I only want is to have bidirectional control of the AR from Live, and OB would seem to do this perfectly : grab the machine state, and allow to automate all params from the DAW.
I’d be happy to make a M4L controller but it’s way harder than it seems for several reasons (One channel per track in Live, no way to “dump” parameter values from the AR, etc.).

Any thoughts ?