i’ve been making a midi designer 2 layout , in addition to midi cc for each parameter i thought it might be useful to share ‘useful’ values for these.
here’s the first list , maybe someone has a better way to do this via google docs or something
so basically , if you make a button that transmits midi cc5 , value 14 , the note length with snap to 1/16 instead of tweaking the knob to dial it in.
when I’m happy with my layout i’ll share it.
having these values in the manual would be great.
note length , CC 5
2 : 1/64
6 : 1/32
14: 1/16
30: 1/8
46 :1/4
66 :10
68 :11
70 :12
72 :13
Delay Time CC 85
0 : zero
1 .5step
3 1step
7 2steps
31 4steps
47 6steps
63 8steps
95 12steps
127 16steps