Users deleting old posts

I used to delete posts… Not so much any more… When I did it was because I either reacted overly to something or the post was just stupid banter. I always read through the thread and maybe I made three replies and one was unnecessary, I would make sure the thread still read OK…

I was learning social media and wasn’t real used to it. Don’t really do it anymore, although just today I felt like I got into an unnecessary back and forth that went off topic topic and wasn’t really serving the thread or the users.

So instead of deleting I edited just down to “Edit: unnecessary back and forth”…

I don’t know, I’ll try harder just to only say things I want etched in digital stone, but every once in awhile things happen…


If you are going to bother saying something, say it with conviction, and it then prevents disjointed threads resulting from deleted posts

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wut ?! :wink:



Dumb question maybe, but how do you delete posts? As far as I can see, only replies can be deleted.

I don’t think it’s possible, admins/moderators can - it’s also worth mentioning in the general sense that nothing is actually deleted anyway, it’s just unlisted, including all edits to posts (like in time machine)


Haha! OK, fine, you got me! I used to rampantly delete posts… :joy: I also said even more stupid banter than I do now, ar at least my form of silly banter wasn’t perfected yet… :grin:
And I used to make a lot more reactionary posts…
I’m doing much better these days at least… :rofl: Practicing the art of “Must-Not-Reply” when I feel triggered and am about to react to something instead of add something good…


The internet constitutes a galaxy or universe of worlds. The boundary for this particular world would be the elektronauts forum hub. Sure, real things can happen here: discussions, sales, trades, Etc.

But at the outset, almost every user here is operating with a fake name and a mythic avatar. We post set up pics that may or may not reflect the actual utility being used. We GAS for real products, but also opine about vaporware.

So the reality here is limited to begin with. But you already know this. What you are really asking the forum to become is an NSA dossier of what has taken place here.

I’m glad someone sees through my facade

I like to keep it real, but most of the time I like to keep it surreal… :rofl:


i disagree. just sayin

You really didnt mask it at all. But why in the world would you ever be interested in preventing people from deleting their own posts if you don’t want this forum to be some sort of “gotcha” type source file?

The context argument doesnt hold any water for me. People should just be free to post and delete anything that they write. Just as our relationships with our instruments allows us to do.

My fault probably lies in processing this all as a real and not a virtual space, and partly selfish in thinking that someone can alter their conversation with me well after the fact, in a way that I wouldn’t even know anyway. Which is also a bit of nonsense since we’re all really operating under avatars/personas in the space to being with, and there is a good degree of separation from this forum self and my real self. We see and feel things personally in a space that we’ve constructed through projections of other people.

Chances are that all of this is already archived somewhere anyway. Not that this is good or acceptable, but it’s likely the truth.

don’t get caught up on people going back and editing themselves a win. Arguing on the Internet is screaming into the void anyway. Many of the longest and best thought out posts fizzle out practically unseen. The internet is not real for the most part, but it is operated by real people. And yes, this is archived. The mods have just shown they can see every post that’s ever been deleted. Therefore the people with the most accurate view of everyone here would be the mods, they know what you’ve all been doing. Live in fear. As the old saying goes, mods are gods

Not even getting into if it’s appropriate to delete or not, just thoughts…

It’s different than talking in real life because it is recorded and documented for the world to see. People are constantly changing and what they said one moment they might not feel the same the next, or the next week or month…

I consider it almost a weird human glitch to hold onto what someone said and judge them accordingly. When someone says something that the listener doesn’t like, often the listener holds onto that even for years sometimes, “that person is like this because one time they said that”. In reality the sayer might have thought it over and changed their mind and felt bad about saying what they did minutes later, or hours, or weeks… The sayer has changed but the listener holds onto that for a long time… We are all constantly changing moment to moment…

Imagine if every conversation you’ve ever had there was a scribe behind you writing it down and posting it… It would be insane… People would be scared to talk…

I think folks just have to learn to think, think again, and then think some more about what they are saying before they post, and realize it’s documented for everyone to see for a long long time…


‘The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.’ - Muhammad Ali

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Float like a butterfly, sting like @jb:smile:

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It’s hard to be humble, when you’re as great as I am

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