Using Ableton as a mixer/external FX (with 3 Elektron boxes)

So, just to let you guys up to date : I’ve been testing a few different configurations with DT/ST to Ableton with Overbridge (Didn’t try with the A4 yet but that should work the same way) and I have to admit it is simply amazing.

I only use Ableton as a mixer and to add FXs separately on each channel and it looks really stable and the M1 handles it without any problem.

I am then back to one question I had before : how to control Ableton.

I was looking for a USB Midi controller that suits my needs, but it’s a bit disappointing so far… I don’t understand why there is no “cheap” controller with lets say 10 faders and a few knobs. That’s all I need.

Most of the controllers have many launch pads (but I don’t need them - that makes the controller too big) and the only ones who look good are really expensive.

What I found :

  • Novation Launch Control XL : Looks like the “best” choice even if there are launch pads

  • Akai APC 40 MK2 : A bit too expensive for what I would do with it

  • Akai Midimix : Really cheap and got enough controls

  • EZ-Creator Fade : really cheap and really small : Does anyone know that one ?

  • Plugger Studio Pocket Control Portable : Similar to the EZ-Creator but even cheaper : dunno what to expect

  • Korg nanokontrol

And then, there are a few “expensive” ones who fit my needs but I don’t wanna pay the price of a “real mixer” for a “basic controller” (from Solid State, Avid, Presonus, Softube, Icon, …)

Any advice is welcome :slight_smile:

Do you have an iPad? Are you ok with a touchscreen controller for ableton instead of real faders and knobs? If so check out MidiDesigner…

Also BCR2000s get a lot of use in my setup.

Don’t forget you can use Launchpads for fader and parameter control too and with Native Kontrol’s Arsenal scripts they have a load more features than the stock units and are super cheap 2nd hand…

Personally I like my controllers to be either motorized, LED ring/pad or touchscreen for parameter feedback but if you’re not gonna change the target of each control then I suppose that doesn’t matter so much.

I keep an original 30-pin ipad around for this very same reason.
MIDI Designer is very useful software

I have a BCR2000 and it is a good controller but it isn’t it discountinued ? (Sorry for the spam on the thread, I am getting old lol😬)

Didn’t look at rotary controllers to be honnest but that could be an option …

Yeah the BCR2000 has not been available new for a long time I think. But there are usually a few on the 2nd hand market when I look. Not heard anything more about the BCR32 reissue (supposedly with Zaquencer built in) for a while either.

Looks like there was no news since mid-2022 … :frowning:

I forgot something so obvious that I wonder how I did it… (even if stonecoldgroove mentionned it :slight_smile:)

My 3 Elektron machines + the MM2 are connected through MIDI and then are connected to my Mac via USB (the MM2’s Audio Out goes into the A4 first).

I plan (still gotta buy it) to connect an USB Midi Controller to control the faders of the Ableton tracks and a few FXs too.

But I didn’t think about getting the audio out from Ableton.

Will I need an audio interface? Or, as the Elektron boxes are connected through USB, is there any way to get the master from Ableton into one of 'em ? (and if that’s possible, is there any known issue doing it ?)

For now I am using the M1 headphone out but as soon as I will need to play on my speakers (or play live acts), I’ll need a more robust solution.

Hi @magmax303, I am a similar journey like you: I use Ableton to mix & master ST/DN/MM2. Here are my answers to your points:

  • Controllers: I’d recommend the launch control. It’s easy to create custom midi mappings on your laptop and sync it to your device. It’s also possible to change the LED colors of the knobs (I didn’t care about that at first but these lights proved to be super useful when playing live in a darker environment). I use the launch pads to arm and mute the tracks which works great. It should also be possible to trigger audio clips from there, but in my setup all sound comes from the hardware.

  • Latency: Depending on how you perform, it might make sense to only use plugins that have 0 latency. It doesn’t matter if you’re having a M1 Pro, some plugins will always introduce latency because of their nature (e.g. a compressor with 10ms lookahead). Ideally the total latency of your setup is less than 20ms. That way you can play with the faders and knobs without delay (e.g. bringing in the kick right before the drop etc). If it’s not important for you to do actions in time (e.g. you bring in everything slowly and focus more about subtle variations), then this is of course not important.

  • Audio interface: I’m not sure if it is possible to re-route the audio from Ableton back to an Elektron device over USB (I guess it’s possible if you add all tracks separately via overbridge in Ableton and then mute all channels on the mixer page except for the external input). However I’d recommend to get an audio interface so that you can connect the sound of your laptop to both the speakers and your headphones. Depending on the previous point, you should look for an interface that has low latency. I use a RME babyface pro for this, but there are many good & cheaper options out there.

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Thank you!

I’ve looked at the plugins I currently use (Fab Filter plugins + The native plugins from Ableton Suite 11) and didn’t see anything latency with these on Ableton. So I guess it should be good.

Regarding the interface; I would use it only to get the audio out of Ableton and don’t plan to use it for anyhting else. That being said, is the latency critical ?

And what would be the best cheap option?

You don’t need another audio interface, but you can use one if you want.

I set my Syntakt or Digitone (they appear as Overbridge interfaces) as the audio interface in Ableton Live. Then all audio goes out through the one I selected - it is the audio interface.

There’s a bunch of configuration you can do, but by default the Elektron audio gets routed to the Overbridge plugin in your DAW (and no longer goes through the main outputs) and then your DAW main output goes to the Elektron box. You route the plugin as you want in Ableton - be it the normal stereo master, or the individual tracks. Typing it in, it sounds much more complicated than it is.

My standard setup is a Syntakt as the audio interface, using percussion and bass from the Syntakt mixed together into four tracks (left half of Launch Control XL), and four instances of Arturia Analog Lab V as the right half of Launch Control XL. All that goes through a master bus and then out to master L/R. Since I am using the Syntakt as the audio interface, that goes out to headphones and the master L/R on the Syntakt.


Cool thank you @peaceful ! Would be a good news if I haven’t to buy an interface !

And how is the latency ?

The latency has seemed just fine for me. No worse than my usual interface. It is one of the things you can try for yourself, though.

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small update :slight_smile:

My GAS striked again as I had the opporunity to get an almost new Digitone while I got rid of my Akai Force (was hard to take that decision but it didn’t fit my workflow).

That shouldn’t really impact the way I organize my setup.

Is this the most effective ?

“Computer Less” Setup :

  • MIDI : DT -> DN -> ST -> A4 -> TD3 -> Micromonsta 2
  • Audio MM2 -> TD3 -> DN -> A4 -> ST -> DT

“Full” Setup :

  • MIDI : DT -> DN -> ST -> A4 -> TD3 -> Micromonsta 2
  • Audio : Micromonsta 2 -> TD3 -> DT
  • USB (Audio) : DN+ST+A4+DT --> MacBook (Ableton + Midi Controller for Mix & FXs) --> DT

Now I swear I won’t buy any new synths or groovebox :smiley: Trust me or not ! :rofl:

Still gotta figure out if something is missing in that setup. (not speaking about synths or grooveboxes as I promised it above)

So you are using the Syntakt with Overbridge, and as the audio interface for the computer?

yes, DT actually.

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Yes, that’s right. But when I use it this way with Ableton Live, I just use it as an output interface. There’s no need to use it as the input interface, as all the individual tracks come through the Overbridge Syntakt VST itself.


I should mention my solution for midi sync with Overbridge.

Like others, I have disabled syncing via the Overbridge app. Unlike others, I’m still using Ableton as the master clock. I just use Ableton’s normal midi sync over USB (with sync and transport receive enabled on the devices) which seems a lot less buggy than the Overbridge version.

The common feature seems to be that syncing using the Overbridge app is not reliable.

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(sorry I answered cause I tought the question was for me !)

Thank you for sharing this with us, that was really helpful to be able to find my way !

It brings one new question to my mind : Can I set the DT to receive AND send clock ?

Still thinking about my 2 setups and I was wondering if I configure it like that. Then I can use Ableton to start 'em all (and set the tempo) but if the PC crashes then the DT is able to become master without having to change its MIDI configuration. (just a stop->start as example)

Dunno if that’s clear (or if that even makes sense) ?