Using triggerless trigs for pitch bend and DT not playing first note when triggered by OT

On the OT, when I retrig a sound and put some triggerless trigs with pitch p-locks on them, it changes the pitch of the retriggered sounds. On the DT, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Am I missing something? If it doesn’t work, what are people using triggerless trigs for on the DT?

Also I have my OT as the master clock running the DT and DN. When I hit play on the OT, the DT never plays step 1 until it cycles back around. It plays every step after on the first pass, just not the first one. Since the DN is being sequenced by the OT, it’s not a problem there, only on the DT where it is sequencing itself.

This is a known bug on the digiboxes. The current work around is to microtime your first trig one tic forward.

I see. Well that’s a bugger!