Verstaerker "Broken Forms" [Industri∆l]

this time i’m back with some harder stuff :sunglasses:


I’m waiting for the day, when these sounds will be absorbed by the mainstream :grinning:

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let some guy sing with autotune over it, add a cheesy melody: BAM… the kids get mad over it

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i made a video for it


Nice, what did you use to make this?

Everything made with Blender and geometry nodes. I built different models and then imported the track as a functioncurve and mapped certain frequency ranges to certain parameters of the models.

Then created and rendered various cameras.

In Finalcut, I combined everything, created a certain look and cut it together.

The latter was quite time-consuming, as it was not easy to hit the beats in this sound thunderstorm.
I helped myself by building a helper-track that played a short crisp kick on the beat strokes and a rim that plays on the 1. This made it easier to cut to the rhythm.

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Ok, that’s mostly what I expected: Blender, Finalcut and a lot of work. I had hoped for a shortcut :wink:

if you dont want generic / winampish-looking stuff there still in the days of AI lots of handwork involved
generally speaking, in Blender is relatively easy to do this work… but it requires some experience and learning of Blender

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