I’m running into trouble. After a long while, the OT started calling me again and I freed up some time to give love to it. And my Virus TI.And the other Stuff.
First things first: The Setup:
Octatrack Autochannel on 9
Novation Circuit Ch1,2,10 (cannot be changed)
Virus TI in sequencer mode, so listening on 1-16, I use 3-8 and 11-15 usually
Novation RemoteSL on Channel 9
I’ll do a quick draw of the setup: (Damn fine Arts incoming)
Ok so everything is working so far, BUT… If on on Parts 3-8 on the Virus and I turn some knobs like Amp Envelope Attack, the OTs sequencer starts. While further rotating the Attack knob, the OT will change active Tracks and change a lot of other paramerts in the currently active audio track. And on these Tracks, Midi Learn via the CTRL1+2 is not possible, but is working on the parts using channel 11-16.
I do use the Launch Control XL to do the levels and muting-stuff
Any suggestions how to get rid of this? Need more Info?
I was afraid to have a virus in my Ot.
I’m quite sure your Virus is sending one of these CC :
59 | Note on (0=C-1, 127=G9)
60 | Note off (0=C-1, 127=G9)
Maybe you can set all audio tracks midi channels to off.
You should compare the midi-implementation charts of OT vs Virus.
The OT reacts on many CCs, see OT manual Appendix C. If the Virus unintentionally sends CCs to the OT and the OT-audio section uses this as control-input … there you go
Check the OT “receiving” channels and the Virus “send” channel too. You can also prevent, that the Virus sends all those CCs … what you need is some kind of “midi-filtering”.
I’m using the Faderbox for controlling levels and stuff… this won’t work when switched off. Can the OT be tought NOT to respond to these messages?
@SoundRider Yeah… so maybe that’s a case to make use of my old Raspberry V1. If I had the time for that ^^
The Virus in sequencer mode sends on the part’s channel. so this happens on channel 1-8, no matter what global channel is set in the TI…?
Did you check if the problematic CC is CC59 ?
If you can, don’t use that knob or filter it with a midi processor.
It is sent to autochannel ?
You can’t disable only one CC in Ot, nor start/stop function with midi notes control (CC59 act as notes).