Volca Sample vs. the World

Having used the volca for a while I must say it’s dirt cheap and offers allot but to my knolage there is no way to copy a pattern? This kind of killed it for me and I’m considering the DT just for that one feature which will allow be to build up the house/techno tracks. If they just added an Sd card slot and some Tiny features the song mode seems pointless to me as a techno producer because I can’t copy the patterns with the settings which don’t change ie drums.

In short I would buy another one but that 1 bar limit is also gay.

You could save your sequence to the next available slot to make a copy of it

Does that save the settings and sounds I’m using ? And how do I do it I have googled btw :slight_smile:

How I tend to build tracks with the volca sample is I will write and save a sequence on pattern 1. Then I save again (func+write) but this time to pattern 2. Giving me two copies of the same sequences. Then I switch over to pattern 2 and make the changes I want to the sequence. Save, repeat. Because I’m just saving in the next open spot sounds stay the sama across patterns. This is also useful for clearing patterns or making a template. Build your sounds but leave the sequences blank, save it to every pattern slot and it’s like a making a kit, kinda.

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I don’t understand I do understand your method If I for example make a 1 bar gabs techno loop with all setting nhs and motion sequencing active how do I copy that exact clone to another slot?

Func+write and select the slot you want to save it in

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Hit WRITE, save it to another slot! That’s it.

If you want to copy Pattern 3 to Pattern 4, load pattern 3 (MEM - Pat 3). Pattern 3 is now playing/loaded. Without doing anything else, hit ‘WRITE’ to save it to Pattern 4. Then 3 is duplicated to 4. Easy. Just like any other save.

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Ok send me your PayPal details it clones the pattern head wall hitting hard TY :sunny:

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Hi, I also have the same problem. My eyes are overwhelmed by staring at the monitor. And now I’m looking for some kind of solution to be able to produce music without my laptop. I’m thinking of buying Octatrack. But right now I only can buy some gear using my Sweetwater gift card and Sweetwater only has an Octatrack MK2. I guess MK2 is great but it has backlit keys and that’s a problem for my eyes. Then I’m using my laptop’s keyboard backlit my eyes overwhelmed even more than when I look at the screen. I have no idea why it happens but I guess it means Octatrack MK2 is not what my eyes need. Since you also were looking for a solution to how to reduce the eye strain, maybe you have some ideas about other hardware I can use to detach myself from the laptop?

Get the octatrack mk1? Way cheaper and the same thing!

currently, I only have the possibility to buy at Sweetwater (because of gift card) and they have only MK2. but yes, of course, you right MK1 is obvious choice:) thank you.

So you tried the MK2 ? Maybe it won’t affect your eyes like the laptop’s backlit keys.

Yes all the time. Not for sequencing much - at the moment the 10 patterns are 10 drum kits (easily organised with vosyr)

Sequenced with OT. With 10 good CCs mapped per instrument

Accents and things managed with the thru track on the OT

Not using the retrokits cable at the moment but I recommend it

Realised the retrokits can allow basic round robin polyphonic playing if you put several subtly different samples of same tone in. Haven’t tried that yet


I loved my Volca Sample! Sold it to help fund Digitakt though. I used to find the sound a bit flat with treble and bass set at 12 o’clock, but push them both up a bit and it started sounding aces!

Love it, super fun, compact and sounds great.
I’d never let mine go…
Great sample food and useful with a modular.

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i have kept mine and still use it!


Thought I’d leave this here. Best demo of the Volca Sample I’ve seen. Incredible full and juicy sound. Makes me regret selling mine.


Hey that’s my jam! Thanks for the kind words:) just saw this thread and was about to share my wonderful experience with the Sample. I think the secret behind it is the simplicity of the interface that just leads to this “I don’t care too much” attitude, so you get quicky in the fun zone and forget about pre-conceptions about what you “should” do. The awesome isolator and choice of samples also help of course. Currently, I’ve swapped my Sample with a friend’s Volca Kick because I have a Digitakt and Microgranny but as fun as the Kick is for sound design I miss the small, all in one groovebox factor of the VS. Anyways, if you like the jam above, I actually have another one of the same kind which I’m slightly happier with:) hit me on YT as well!


Ah, cool. Glad you’re on here. Most impressive use of the Volca Sample I’ve ever seen/heard. You really push it to its limits in these performances. You should get it back from your friend and make a few more vids! :grin:

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Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right.

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