Waldorf Iridium (16-voice, duo-timbral Quantum desktop)

According to the Alto Music site, my order is still “Processing”.

But I just got a text from FedEx, that something will be delivered tomorrow coming from NY that will require a signature. Could it be! It has to be!

Edit: My temporary spot with 4 CV cables routed to the PRO3 is waiting…

Edit: It just got changed, and will be here tomorrow. It’s literally 10 miles away, but I can’t pick it up. Oh well, much better than waiting months :slight_smile:


Dat Pro3 tho…


Nice! Aside from using additional LFOs and ENVs what else will you do, use the sequencer? I have a Pro 2 so in a similar boat.

Can’t help feeling the Iridium is really missing a CV out. The Komplex Modulator as a CV out would be so good


I mainly want to explore audio rate modulation. I’m always a sucker for that, but often learn there are very few mod targets that sound interesting.
But still I try :slight_smile:

The CV on the Pro3 and the Iridium are assignable in their mod matrices. Which makes it nice to just hook up once, and re-assign as needed. I’ll give an update once I get the Iridium and have a chance to explore.

I do wish the Iridium had CV out too, but in my case I primarily want to send CV to it.

One thing that is great about the Pro3 is that it has audio in, and that can be mapped as a mod source (with env follow, or raw). In my setup I can easily route any audio summed as mono (including the Iridium) to the Pro3. While it’s only one input, you can do a lot with it.

I successfully audio-rate modulated certain parameters of the Iridium via CV inputs. Much fun!

If you have the Pro3 next to the Iridium you can connect the CV ins and outs with each other and create a feedback loop and see if either of the synth explodes. :heat:

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It has arrived!

Time to play :slight_smile:

Edit: CV is working sweet! I routed an LFO + Osc1 from the Pro3 to pitch on the Iridium.
Worked the first time, and sounds great!


Ummmmmm… this thing is nuts! :crazy_face:

The early patches are pretty bombastic, although I would not use them in a track, they are great examples of the synthesis power on tap here.

When I realized I could pick different patches for both layers and play them at the same time it really floored me. I knew the Iridium could do this, and it’s bi-timbral, but hearing it churn out a dense and intricate wall of high quality sound so effortlessly was a true testament to it’s power.

It’s still early days (just a few hours so far), but it’s immediately clear to me the Iridium is a powerhouse. Definitely a keeper.



Sure, I’ll post some stuff, and probably a YT video. I’ll do that once I stop having fun, so it might be a while :slight_smile:

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“Soundcloud” and “high quality sound” don’t belong in the same sentence :stuck_out_tongue: (just messin’)

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Worse, I seem to be getting served even more ads on Soundcloud.

Stop that fun now! You have a responsibility to this thread.

Ok fine :slight_smile:

This is “Yellow 2” and “PPG Memories” layered. It was one of the first combinations I tried.


Yes, I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on that sound.

At some point, please comment on the feeling of immediacy. With the Quantum, for example, you can always see the state of all the LFO’s, the effects, and three envelopes. Pressing a button and then guessing at the state of an LFO knob, well, that’s the trade-off for a more compact instrument than the giant Quantum. How’s the knob and button action compared to the best that you’ve wiggled?

These might be the best knobs I’ve turned. They feel solid, and premium.
The encoders on the DT are my benchmark, as they are great IMO, and these are at least as good.

They do feel a bit close together, but only when I was not directly in front of the Iridium.
Because I’m using the keyboard on the pro 3, the Iridium was pretty far to my left.

Once I get it on a monitor arm, I think it will be easier to access everything.

I did some envelope editing (amp and filter) and it was very good. Lots of feedback, and very smooth.

I spent a lot of time in the mod matrix, and it works well. It takes a while to get the 6 knobs down, but very straight forward after that.

My only negative so far is the intermittent responsiveness of the touch screen. It’s definitely workable, but at times you have to tap twice. I found when I was latching notes on a complex patch, then touching the screen was when it was happening.

Overall it feels like a very high quality piece of gear, and I can’t wait to explore it more tomorrow.


Something that may end up preventing confusion (for anyone reading) is that the controller amount doesn’t behave like your typical scale source.

Ie. One might expect it to behave like:
amount * (control amount / 100)

when in reality, it behaves like:
amount + control amount

Some additional notes via paul_xyz on GS:

“voice number” = (mod amount/16) x absolute voice number (as per bottom left “scope” display)

“unisono idx” = (mod amount/unisono count) x voice position within unisono

“poly idx” = (mod amount/number of voices for layer) x number of voices sounding


Anyone know if there’s a way to set all of the chords to be the chords in a given scale? I thought you’d be able to, like in scale mode, but I’m guessing the only way to is to save them as a preset?

While trying out patches I found that “0046 BT The Dark Horses” does not play. It looks like it’s missing the samples. Can someone confirm that?

Can confirm this.

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Delayed for another 4 weeks sigh :cry:
I´d guess that known hardware issues cause longer delays, can’t be covid only I think.

Many thanks to everyone for so much valuable information and sound examples, especially BlipsonResleeved, vvilms, Gino and phelios and and and…

@Gino I am jealous :grin: Thanks for the useful description of the built quality, sounds good. Is everything in place? A bit concerned about the touch screen behavior, weird that the touchscreen of my old V-Synth XT (2004) seems to do a better job.

Man, I feel for you, I was there!
Try looking for other vendors, there are a few in stock online. If I didn’t switch I’d still be waiting. Thanks to the tip from @v00d00ppl, I got mine a lot sooner!

The screen is odd as it’s super responsive at times (the performance screen for example) and misses taps at other times in menus. As loopop mentioned in his review if you tap longer it works better. I really think this is a software thing, and not a hardware thing. Mixing taps with drag motions over the same target is the likely culprit. You have to wait to see if it’s a drag motion, and that is what makes a tap less responsive.

Also my screen has no problems with dragging like Tim Shoebridge points out. Using things like the virtual wheel, and virtual pitch wheel works great. After removing the protective film I highly recommend cleaning the screen before you use it. That made it smooth as glass :slight_smile: