Waldorf Iridium (16-voice, duo-timbral Quantum desktop)

What a lovely and sad patch. 0069 MD Elekdron by maxime dangles

I made a quick moment from it,


Yes - it is. Quite the contrast to something like the Super 6 (which I think you own).

I really enjoy the Iridium so far, but it’s very hard to say what people will like and dislike about it.
For example, the main knobs on the sides of the screen are close together, and I wish there was a bit more vertical space between them, but I’ve quickly gotten used to it. Someone else might say it’s unacceptable. :smile:

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Here’s a clip of a chord being held on the Iridium for the entire duration; the bass that enters is the A4 (which, I admit was a touch louder than I’d have liked, but alas), being played by hand.


It sounds like the Iridium would be very good for performing Cage’s ASAP. Would you mind?

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Quick LFO question…

When I use an LFO with attack at 4 seconds, I can’t get it to work for modulating effects.
Works fine on pitch, and other OSC parameters, but when I map it to FX1 DryWet the attack on the LFO is ignored. Does attack/decay on LFO’s only apply to polyphonic params?

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The Iridium’s compactness and flat orientation make it look very nice for performing live on it. I imagine the Quantum as segregating at least one hand down to the keyboard while the other hand has to get very busy covering the distance between knobs.

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Made a quick video on using CV with the Iridium and Pro3.


Also 2.5.2 firmware is up



Thanks for the CV demo. I would like to see more because I’m still actually considering the Quantum over the Iridium due simply to my desire to have the built-in keyboard to provide one self-contained, immersive, conveniently movable jamming environment. Even if I don’t need that all the time, it’s a factor that I’m hesitant to sacrifice. The only thing the Quantum really loses vs. the Iridium is CV, and that’s not a small thing for me because I have some modules and some things I really want to do with the Iridium that I couldn’t do with the Quantum. But I also have use for the Quantum’s aux outs; I could compensate for that with a splitter, I guess, but that’s not ideal.

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Is that true now, did Waldorf release the changes they were considering for the Q ? I guess I must have missed that.

Well, I don’t know. I’m just extrapolating in an optimistic manner to come to the best purchasing decision. Re-watching Shoebridge’s Quantum/Iridium comparison, his point about the firmware outstripping the Quantum’s hardware reminds me that the greater immediacy that the Quantum’s extra knobs provides is offset by the additional LFOs and envelopes that have been added to the firmware, which now exceed its knobs. In other words, you’re thrown back into the software interface on either device. On the other hand, I do have additional use for the 61 to control stuff outside the Quantum…but then that damn CV…

I just didn’t know that the Quantum is now 16 voice.

I thought it’s been mentioned somewhere—actually, I thought it was you—that you can get 16-voice polyphony from the Quantum if you don’t use its analog filter. Either that, or Rolf has indicated that they will likely implement this. I don’t know. Now that I realize the Quantum’s knobs don’t provide all the immediacy that one would hope, I’m now seeing CV as the deciding factor. It’s just that I had a decent price on a new Quantum come up (GBP 2540), and I verified that the store took delivery in September so that it won’t have the old screen issue.

My information was months old and that was they were investigating it.

Perhaps something has changed. I’m definitely not the person to be talking about this, i’m really out of the loop on these two now.

OK, thanks for the clarification. I do think I need the 16-poly more than the analog filter. Not because 8 isn’t enough for a polysynth, but because it’s not enough for me for the Quantum’s bitimbrality. In fact, if they can’t implement 16 on the Quantum, that’s a dealbreaker for me.

It’s sounding likely that Quantum will get 16 voices in 3.0 - it’s not a guarantee, but they use the same processor, and I don’t see how they could be fully compatible if they didn’t allow this.


My pleasure.
I might do another video tomorrow on CV. Probably just free form sound exploration. Let me know if there are any particular destinations you want me to try.

The only drawback I see so far is that it’s harder to get back to patches that use multiple devices. So while it’s fun to explore, it’s extra steps if you want to be able to get back to it later.

My strategy of using digital routing is ideal for me, but it’s slower dialing in an idea on 2 mod matrices. I’m starting to see the appeal of just plugging a cable from jack to jack :slight_smile:

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I would just say wing it, and I’m sure it’ll be interesting to see you winging it.

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