Waldorf Iridium Keyboard

I want one.
Really seems like the ultimate digital synth and bitimbral is the way to go vs Waldorf’s hap-hazard multitimbral attempts in the past.

Will slowly save up, as I don’t want to sell things I love to make it happen (and then regret the loss of those things).

I see it as a modern XTK with mostly expanded features and the fewest possible corners cut, and that really is a dream come true.
Plus while I save up for it, I have two great Nords and an Opsix to keep me happy.

I do have a question for IrKB owners… are the parameters that get changed by the macros instantaneously heard? Or is there some load time?

Because it sounds like these could be expanded versions of NL4 impulse morphs (or Rytm Scene macros, for example). Nifty that you can use them to load different screens on the display.


Oh, it’s not out yet? What’s the price?

My aftertouch seems to get disabled when local is off, does anyone else experience this?

I want to be able to use it with plugin synths and other hardware.

Back in March of this year ( 2022 ), i concluded, being pretty sure, that the Waldorf Iridium Keyboard’s keybed, did not have a Note OFF Velocity, or using the ROLI terminology “LIFT” as a usable parameter.

Does anyone know this to be an absolute fact, or not true ? Has this changed since March. Any more definite information on this is appreciated.

I finally ordered the iridium keyboard from Juno. Now I have the Kyra, M, and Iridium. This will be a lot of fun layering all three synths.

Any good Iridium reading I should do besides the manual ?


I’ve checked the midi out from iridium and it does not send velocity information for note off.

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Thank you west.

Wasn’t expecting this…

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Looks awesome if they fix the bugs on the synth and support it.

Really glad to see this because it seems to indicate that Waldorf has continuing plans to support the quantum/iridium line of sense for quite some time to come.

Hello all Iridium Keyboard owners!
I am on my 20 years since my first synth and also I’ll turn 40 this year…sooooo this Waldorf looks like a good gift to make to myself. But I’m pretty scared about FAULTY units!!!
@blipson have you had otehr issues?

There is a used unit (shoud be 3 months since bought) which appeals me. But it’s on the opposite side of Italy, so I cannot try it by myself.
Really on an edge…but really cannot waste those huge amount of money

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My replacement unit hasn’t had any kind of problem (knock wood).


Like @blipson, I had to get a second unit (the first one didn’t even start), so I share your concern with quality control issues. I ended up getting a second unit with no hassle (other than a short delay) and have been using it with no issues for a year (and I use it alot). I was also able to get a deal on a second warranty on it from Guitar Center here in the US (two years, full replacement). I am not sure I’d buy a used one, unless you can when it was made (it seems Waldorf has resolved the initial QC issues). I can say that it is for sure my favorite hardware synth. In my opinion, the only thing that touches it for depth, variety and workflow is Omnisphere but then you have to go “ITB.” Would be a fabulous birthday gift for yourself.

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so I should be aware of units until a certain serial number?

Not sure.

I bought mine in December 2022 from Juno, 50 hours of playing so far no issues.

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Wait, are you talking about an Iridium Desktop or keyboard? If Keyboard, I think I’d be far less concerned since they just came out.

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