Wavetables vs wave sequencing for more realistic physical timbres

Found out Korg Wavestate and Modwave have different sound engines. So Wavestate uses samples. If I understand right way it could make timbres more realistic for the kind of instruments (violins, piano etc ) that badly syntesizable by traditional waveforms or FM. Am I right or wrong? Do Wavestate make M1’ish piano or organ? Or this synth is better for realistic strings than JV1080?

This guy loaded up 6 trombone samples into a Wavestate Sample Lane. Sounds good to me. Note the Youtube comment suggesting setting something to gate mode to solve a repeats issue. Decent software sample libraries use up 10 or more velocity layers for realism - Wavestate will let you load up to 64 samples in one Sample Lane.

Maybe this will also give you some idea of whether Wavestate’s sample playback functionality will meet your needs

I don’t have a Modwave, sorry.

I have a Wavestate. It definitely has those classic Korg M1 sounds, as well as the original Wavestation waveforms. Its definitely great for sound design and has a huge pallet of sounds to choose from and layer.

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