What are the obstacles to Rytm Updates?

She probably selected it in part because they were so affordable. And then.


I think her case was what happened to many of us:
“I love Autechre” > “how the hell do they do that?” > “Max is too difficult!” >“Oh wait! they use Elektron now!” > -Buys MnM and MD- > -masters the damn things-

Though she got stuck there (like many of us too) and couldn’t follow them to their only-Max phase, which is where they are now. Imho their music has become boring and too dark.

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…pretty nitpicking.
…from california…?

The most important obstacle is Hofstadter’s Law:

Everything takes longer than you expect, even if you take Hofstadter’s Law into account.

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Nope, California is two weeks behind me. Am in Chicago now and not going back. But I’ll probably delete all of my comments from this thread in a few days.

Edit: these comments are for people who are serious about the business side of things. I’m happy to share general, non-proprietary business knowledge that will help musicians.

But a lot of people come to music to escape thinking about business: that’s me at least 70% of the time. Which is why I usually delete my Business Comments after a few days.

…no matter how many obscure rhythmical obstacles we face, end of the day, the elephant’s always left the room…and the building…


While it’s cool the digis are getting a song mode, dual LFO’s and filters. I don’t understand why elektron is ignoring much requested features for their flagship drum machine that’s twice the price. I’m rather disappointed by all of this. Anyone else?


I’m not at all disappointing or surprised.
Every time Elektron rolls out updates for a machine, a few people feel “left out”
After years of having Elektron machines I’ve definitely learned that they LOVE to surprise us with updates.
I’m fairly certain all other boxes will eventually get updates with fantastic new and improved features.
The OT updates in the last few years were amazing, and no one saw that coming.
They dont update everything all at once.
Nevertheless, spotting new features on other machines is a fairly good indication of what might happen with others.
The RYTM was slated to get new bass drum machines, like “ring modulator kicks” or something.
Instead we got the Dual VCO which was way more than anyone expected.

No one thought song mode would happen, another highly requested feature.
Just sit tight.
Remember you bought it for what it already can do, not for what may or may not come to be.


Mk3 are bound to happen. Mk2s have been out 5 years or more so somethings bound to happen sooner or later.

That would be amazing but i think that will not happen anytime soon, economy constraints maybe, an unsecure market environment - who knows


Lets set aside for a second Elektron’s excellent track-record of updating gear loooong after release…

Why should they update it with anything more? It already does what it does to a T, and if there is any one thing missing that is a dealbreaker for people, dont buy it / sell it and move on.

The Digis (especially STs) are relatively newer and more deserving of updates. The Analogs had theirs, and they were both excellent, some even being totally unexpected. They’re pretty fully-baked.

You can’t expect companies to prioritize fully-baked gear over gear that is newer and hasnt even been further enhanced yet.


I thought both the Digitakt and Rytm MK2 were released in 2017? Or am I wrong?

Im not a tech person nor do I work for Elektron so I might be wrong here…

but I imagine the Digis all share a similar architecture, so updating one is easy to update them all. Especially with Song Mode, which the AR has always had.

The AR MKII is essentially a rewrap of a machine released in 2014.


no. and I also think that the much more expensive ones are neglected. In addition, there are several updates in a row for the little ones. and you could almost certainly do something with the big ones, if that works with the small ones too.

I’m pretty sure that’s because the little ones are selling like hot cakes.

but whatever? I’ve also given up hope here and to hope that with the 10 year old vom four…well.

Yeah, I would guess their OS is built on the same foundation. If they did it in a smart way (which it really looks like they did), there should be a lot of foundation code that’s reused across all 3.

The analog four’s 10th anniversary is next month, so Im willing to bet we will be getting major firmware updates for that and the rytm at the same time. Its been two years since the last major simultaneous updates released for the analogs.
Since they did a major firmware update/rewrite to the octatrack on its 10th anniversary to bring it closer in line to the features on the more “recent” boxes, I’m hoping they can do the same for the analogs.