What book are you reading and why

Kafka for me.


A classic indeed.

Just read my first Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle. Not what I was expecting. But good.


Yo go read a scanner darkly, ubik and Valis. My favourites.


Peace Talks (Dresden series, book 16).

I love this series. I’ve read these several times before the release of 16.

It’s a great escape which is needed every once in awhile.

Dresden is like Indiana Jones if he was a Private Investigator instead of a professor and was also a wizard (not Potter like at all).


+1, these are incredible works.

Currently I am reading Edward Said’s “Orientalism.” So far it’s brilliant and brutal.


I’m not sure if he said, wrote or tweeted this, but I recall Gibson saying that PKD’s only mistake was that he said too much.

It is very interesting to read the VALIS cycle and then the Sprawl trilogy through this lens. I think there is an esoteric thread that runs through all of Gibson’s trilogies - which in some sense are all the same trilogy as seen from a different hyperspatial perspective - but the Jackpot trilogy really runs with it. (The final book, which won’t be called Jackpot isn’t out yet, but I’m willing to bet on it)


I started this book right in the middle of writing my PhD thesis, but never finished reading it. Thanks for the reminder, I think I will read it from the start again soon.

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Well done - I’ve read a good few PKD novels at this point, and this is the only one I couldn’t get through.

PLEASE don’t move straight on to Valis haha. I do recommend it, but I’d read a few others first. Ubik, as suggested by hostbody, is my favourite and it’s accesible even though it is really fucking weird.

Time Out of Joint is another good, seemingly underrated one. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is also amazing. It’s definitely nothing much like Bladerunner. It almost felt like Bladerunner was a vast riff on a couple of scenes from the book!

Enjoy the journey :smiley:

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Currently midway through this:

Its a very interesting look at Brexit, now the dust has settled. It show’s a lot of understanding and kindness to the various ‘tribes’ and why they voted how they did/the views they had, and explores how much it matters with the possible futures we are facing.

I’m going to re-read Annihilation next. Im got stuck on book 2 of the Southern Reach trilogy years ago and it’s always niggled me. I bought the books for my friend and we are going to buddyread them.


I cant wait for this to turn up. I love tales of the British post-industrial response to the breakdown of community, worship of money and too many years of unbroken Conservative government (the more things change…) :


I started with Hard Boiled Wonderland, and it instantly became one of my favorite books. I started Dance Dance Dance, but stopped for some reason - this is a good reminder to go back to it. I’ve been staring at 1Q84 for like 3 years now - I bought it, but the sheer size is intimidating.

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I just finished reading Vlad Kreimer’s Redefining Conscience in an Era of Rapid Change because I was intrigued by a recent controversy. He is the founder and creative force behind Soma Laboratory (Russia and Poland) and there has not only been controversy about Soma’s “Pacifist” version of the Lyra-8, but also about Soma’s stance (or lack thereof) on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Someone posted that Kreimer’s philosophy is “aggressively conservative,” so I had to see for myself…

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huh, where can you get this?


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It’s available for free on Soma Lab’s website, under the Literature tab.

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Very intrigued by this one, but having a hard time finding a substantive description anywhere online - what’s this one about?

Just finished this!

1/4th the way though, funny and pretty good thus far.



Long time Talking Heads/David Byrne super fan.

Byrne 's writing style is super fascinating (Think the first part of True Stories, but in a book about music) Highly recommend