What book are you reading and why

The Bible- because it’s the truth in a world of lies


Looks like a light read :joy:

The audio books are great too.

The blind watchmaker - Richard Dawkins. Just really into evolution/genetics lately.

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oops. IR to @hyperstationjr
Like @cold_fashioned said, it’s the golden ratio. Start there, everything makes sense after that. Or maybe everything else just doesn’t matter too much? Actually I’m just a girly math swat with an ever increasing calculator collection :pensive:
Gonna go make some beats now, in 3:6:9 timing.


The most profound work of modern thought I’ve read.

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ooh i might pick this up, I do love a good space opera, House of suns is one of my favorites!

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My kind of dark…

Word. I only finished the existing books last week and already missing it!

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Just finished re-reading Municipal Dreams by John Boughton and so I started Landscapes Of Communism by Owen Hatherley yesterday.

Thank you all for the really nice recommendations. I don’t easily get sad about things, but one of the toughest thoughts for me to think is that I will die someday with so many great books still unread.

Anyways, currently I’m reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. It’s stunning what an unbelievable person this guy must have been, a Roman emperor and probably the most powerful person of his time, but very down to earth and reasonable. I can recommend the book to anyone interested into stoic philosophy, it can completely transform your perspective on life and help in developing a tranquil state of mind.


Great thread and lots of inspiration for what to read next! Currently reading Yuval Noah Harari: A Brief History of Mankind for better understanding where we coming from and where we’re heading to.


Oh yeah - I have heard a lot about this one (and his follow-ups). I have to remember to write this one down on my list.

Thanks to everyone who replied to this thread. Reading is a big part of my life like music. I’m really pleased it’s the same for so many others too.

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Sorry, but the why part of OP’s question reminded me of this Bill Hicks gem:


Im waiting for this… Maybe this Tuesday


It’s pretty good, but he hasn’t put much out in the last 1800 years, talk about resting on your laurels.

If anyone wants an Audio book suggestion, this one is amazing, it’ll take you through both pracital and the science of stuff. He’s been a lecturer for a long time. The price jumps about all the time though.



Something totally different. Took me several months to read. Hit me hard like a punch in the guts. A must read, even if you’re not at all into this WWII theme - it’s all about moral and people adapting to the worst misanthropic scenario. It definitely changed the way I think about violence, war and guilt.

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Because I am dissatisfied with our current situation.


I’ve just gotten into sandor Katz’s book “the art of fermentation”. Not sure how much of it is the same ground, but it’s highly worth having, even if only as a reference.