What can the Digitakt do better than mpc one?

Gold Panda uses (or used to use) an MPC 1000 to make his music, in conjunction with a MacBook Pro and a Line 6 DL4. Not sure about Foals. But you could easily approximate this sort of music with a Digitakt or MPC. Or just a DAW.

I adore the MPC 1000 w/JJOS so am rather biased, would rather use one of those than a newer MPC. But whatever works for you.

I use my Digitakt/IPad/Force in the same way and absolutely love it.
I’ll never disconnect my IPad from the Digitakt, I consider them to be a single unit. An app I love using (among many) is L7 Looper through AUM with my Digitakt.
Every time I hear someone refer to the Digitakt as ‘only’ having 8 mono tracks, I have a good laugh and Resample another loop or phrase, freeing up a track on the DT.
Just as I consider the IPad to be and extension of the Digitakt, I consider the DT to be a physical drum/sampler plug-in to the Akai.
As you mentioned, I often cook up a pattern on the DT, sample that to the the Force, and continue on.
I also consider all the great IOS soft synths to be third party plugins to the Force. I have midi in & out from DT to Force, then USB midi/audio in & out from DT to IPad. This allows me to sample to and from all three, and use the midi sequencing from Digitakt and IPad apps to the Force. Endless possibilities.

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Yeah that’s totally it. The only thing I find annoying is that if I charge the iPad the same time as I use the digitakt as an audio interface I get stutters and glitches with the audio, as soon as I take the power out it’s fine. Might just be my USB hub though. Also I wish AUM would accept midi clock and transport from the Digitakt.

Both great bands/artists. Nothing to add except for that.

Pretty sure Gold Panda used a MPC 2000xl for that record and used the MPC 1000 only for live stuff. I think he was basically using it like a midi controller for Ableton Live. However, you can definitely make the MPC One or Digitakt work for the same results. MPC 100 with JJOS is pretty powerful. I miss my Digitakt. I sold it the day the update came out. Doh!

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shouldn’t people that do reviews read the manual before doing reviews?


at the same time the unscripted clips usually come with a moment within the perspective that I might not have even thought about being interested or viewed from a not so particular angle or view point… for example I know how to use the digitakt and the mpc already so I don’t really need that, but different perspectives or different takes on the same perspective etc… are interesting, especially from users who are brand spankin new to the instruments they’re checking out…