What do you use the Cue outputs for?

I use them to store 2 short pieces of liquorice for when I get peckish mid set


Yeah, especially since I can spend a mountain of money on hardware which effectively does master processing for me :loopy: no wait

Bottom line is, I wish the OT had 10 or 12 tracks… It does so much!!

Do you think it lose too much stereo or sound quality when in mono?

Hmm? Of course I lose 100% of stereo image if I use mono… that’s not really debatable is it?

Mono is 100,000 times better than no audio at all :nyan:
99% of all PAs in clubs are wired in mono… Or haven’t you noticed this? If you haven’t noticed it, perhaps it means stereo is not that essential after all? :peace_symbol:

While I’m not saying stereo isn’t useful, a lot of brilliant music exists in glorious mono. Or as ”inferior” 16 bit digital distributed on audio CDs, wav/aiff/flac and whatnot. Meeting a contemporary expectation of 24bit 96kHz stereo or 8.1 channel audio is not a minimum requirement for music IMO.


Thanks…I asked because I have black trinity live project, and RT and A4 goes inside OT, but sometimes I would like to be capable to rec live some vocals for fun…but it means some sacrifices… How are you going from RT/A4 to OT for mono? just a mono cable from headphone output? thanks Tsutek!

I go from the left channel and pan my sounds to either center or 100% left. I could also use a Y cable from the headphone out to do this, and only connect one of the Ts cables to the OT, both methods seem to work about the same, not noticing immense diffs in sound quality either way.

For the mic, I use a separate mic preamp to amplify the mic signal to line level before connecting to OT’s input. In a pinch you might be able to skip the mic pre (with a suitably sensitive dynamic mic? condensers need 48V) but I wouldn’t recommend it, would add quite alot of noise gain…


I think we all do.

I sometimes dream of using a 2nd OT, as my MKII has now become my favorite drum machine.


Wait what? 99%? Really?

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Ok, you got me, I really cannot be sure if this percentage is absolutely correct :diddly: But the vast majority of bigger PAs are mono AFAIK…

I really had no idea. I guess it makes sense in lots of cases! I’m curious to know in which circumstances you’d tune your club’s PA mono vs stereo. I assume it would depend entirely on the room layout and your club’s style, but I am already not allowed to assume I know anything about club PAs!


Lots of cool uses here. Some I were aware of and some I were not.

I am not sure yet if I want to start using the cue outs. The main reason being that I am out of inputs on my interface, so to have somewhere to plug the cue outs in, I would have to have one of my instruments permanently plugged into the OT.

I don’t know if I can justify the loss of audio quality to do that. Rytm and sub37 are definitive no’s. There is way too much bass loss by running things through the MK1. Is the Mk2 much better in this regard? Not that I’ll upgrade, but it would be interesting to know? Would elektron sell the new Analog digital converters so you could install them yourself in the mk1? or is that not their style?

Anyways… that leaves my Prophet 12… not sure. Plugging the prophet in means I would get my BigSky on a send and be able to use it with any sound and not just the Prophet as it is now. That would be great. But again… I feel like the octatrack tends to take the life out of a signal, and I do a lot of ambient stuff on the prophet that I need to sound as good as possible…

decision decision…:persevere:

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Sounds like an Inputs subject…


I use the cue outs for recording, in a hybrid setup with Ableton. I just cue any track I want to record separately, and have the OT set to “cue mutes track” so while jamming it sounds seamless to just jump between cue’d or un-cue’d. I’m able to hear all of my tracks while jamming out and recording one or more, but obviously I need to make a couple passes to get all performances multi-tracked.


Is negligible when done right imo.

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Cool. So I tried to read all that. But I couldn’t really figure out what the conclusion was…

What would your experiments suggest is the way to set up the gainstaging to get clean audio from the Prophet on a thru track…?

Unlike Sting sang, you have to put on the red light. :slight_smile:


I realize we all have different ideas of “good bass” but in this video the sh01a is ran into the a/b input of the octa mki and sounds about as bassy as I need : https://www.instagram.com/p/BgZxlpKDDEb/?taken-by=ktnsft (same for my other recent videos)

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I tried to set it up the way I interpreted the thread… but I am running into a problem. The main outs sound good, but as soon as I try the cue outs it sounds completely different…

Could it be a phase thing issue? Any settings to watch out for? I have turned on cue mutes main. So it’s not that I’m hearing both…

EDIT: NEVERMIND. It was a neighbourtrack issue.


With my Master level at 40 and Playback page at 52 the difference between the signal through the OT and my Mackie VLZ4 at Unity is near nothing.

(Ensure 24 bit recording too.)

If there is only one box in the room this is mono…
If there are two boxes in the room this is stereo- Stereo is Left and Right.
The Matser fader on any FOH console will be stereo - it’s the final summing point of all faders preceding it.
How anything is panned at it’s the corresponding channel on the console will dictate it’s position in the image.