What do you use the Cue outputs for?

…for recording extra signals at the same take in the studio…
or to feed my heat with xtra signals on stage…

Oh nice. Thanks for the pro tip!

I thought of it the first year I had the OT, couldn’t get it to work, and then looked on hear and (no surprise) other people ahd figured it out years ago and it was the microtiming that was keeping it from working for me.

Once you have it set up you can do things like build your own delay by putting the play trig on a step other than 1 (or even using multiple trigs for multiple taps) and then feeding the send track back into itself, so the whole track turns into the delay, and the FX slots are inside the feedback loop.

Or use parameter locks to change the pitch to get really exotic sounding tuned delay (it doesn’t work that well when the record and play trigs are close together since the amount that you can actually change the pitch is limited by the gap between them, but if you’r emaking a delay using trigs then you cna get away with a lot more - especially if the delay time is more than one step).

Even if you use external effects by patching the cue out back to the inputs it can be better to use a flex machine instead of a thru machine so that you can use play trigs.

I don’t play with this kind of stuff nearly enough myself these days, since I’ve been so deep into pickup machines recently.