What gear would you like to see elektron do next?

My vote would be for some strange novel take on a wavetable synth too.

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ā€¦u can pretty much culminate all these wishes into a new monomachine mk2 in a digi t formfactorā€¦
so there it goesā€¦digital drumsynthesis meets fm meets wavetable meets a new range of multi fx including vocoding and distorting and overcompression with a few other neverheard before digital synthmodels like the speech aural thing from back in the days meets a little sampling twitch meets arcade fake sound chip bursting stuff, with a +drive that has a way bigger headroom, and all that in a nice multitimbral mannerā€¦next stop namm 2019ā€¦

An OctaGuitarā€¦ :heart_eyes:


So with the analog heat mkiiā€™s release, you think Elektron may come up with other processing machines for different fx?

I would like to see like a delay or reverb processor or something like a multi effect kinda like an enventide h3000.

Analog Ice will be the delay/reverb unitā€¦


With Double Freezers.

yeah me too i love to see some fx from Elektron. Will be perfect if you have Elektron sequencer!

+1 For an analog time-based effects box.


Should be Digital Ice, no? :slight_smile:

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Bastl Thyme is pretty close to a sequenced delay but yeah a DSP box of some sort could be cool. a Heat sized delay type processing box that can get all kinds of Delay Tape echo, flange/chorus, Comb Filter, karplus etc. Or like a lot of people have asked for a performance mixer similar to the way a lot of folks use the OT or the Aira MX-1. Make it function as a hub for OB as well? thatā€™d be fantastic. Like a better verision of the DB4 mixer built to work with the Elektron ecosystem.


I would love to see an analog Elektron mixer for multi-elektron setups.

Give it plenty of stereo channels, but also some mono channels for voice outputs from Rytm/AK/A4. Perhaps 4 or 5 stereo channels plus 2 to 4 mono channels.
Simple 3 band EQ per channel (on pots, not encoders) but with frequencies individually selectable via on screen menu. Same volume faders as OT MK2 x-fader.

For the master section, give it a master analog compressor (preferably from Rytm) with DT style input side chain, but donā€™t leave out the Rytm style side chain filter options either.
Give it the Analog Heat Saturation and Enhancement character options, selectable pre/post comp.

No sequencer. Keep it the size of OT MK2, as portable as possible for live acts.

Overbridge, sure, but for a/d to computer recording only. No need to shoot for the moon.


Thought about that after I posted, indeed!

Idea inspired by all the mixer idea mentioned numerous times here, in this case it would be a mixer/controller using extended overbridge capabilities, could be called Octahub.

Hardware featureset:
-Octatrack form factor.
-6 USB3 ā€œinputsā€ using the audio through usb feature of overbridgable Elektron gear.
-1 USB3 ā€œoutputā€ to link the Octahub to a DAW for separate tracks recording.
-MIDI in.
-MIDI out.
-2 stereo input (for non audio over usb gear).
-2 main output (XLR L/R).
-1 AUX output (jack stereo).
-1 stereo send/return.
-1 Headphone output.
-Endless knobs.
-Push buttons.

Functional requierments:
-Basic mixer functionalities (vol/pan/3band eqā€¦) for each track, could be as many tracks as streamable tracks available through the usb (Overbridge approach).
-Be able to assign the endless knobs of the Octahub to any Overbridge enabled connected gear parameters.
-The parameter tweaking done on the Octahub should be ā€œrecordableā€ on the connected gear.
-A simple sequencer allowing to control the patern changes of the connected gear, along with trig conditions.

Software feature set:
-Overbridge Enabled for separate track recording in a DAW.
-Kind of a dream but allowing a computer plugin integration should it be effects (to use on a digital send/return manner) or virtual synths (that could be assigned to tracks on the Octahub), the audio signal and midi control being streamed through the usb (MIDI allowing to trigger MIDI clips in Ableton Live with the Octahub sequencer).

You get the idea, having a single box to sequence several machines (by controlling their internal sequences/pattern/etc and being able to record that inside the Octahub like songs), being able to do basic Mixing, controller capabilities to avoid going from one machine to another to tweak stuff, and a turbocharged HUB capability that allows to record the audio to a DAW on separate tracks.
With the capability to sequence and trigger external MIDI clips from a DAW like Ableton Live, streaming computer plugins signal, you kinda make the Octahub the master gear gettin it all together, computer included.

BUT (because thereā€™s a but) this gear may not be perfect, let me explain:
The downside of it all is that if Overbridge screws up or is not released before this gear comes out youā€™ll end up with an overpriced 2 stereo chanel mixer with basic midi controller capabilities and plenty of useless USB ports on itā€¦ :shushing_face: :joy:


The only cool thing about an elektron mixer imo is the sequencer idea of control all the effects a normal mixer has. Or being able to save kits of bus groups. Or different ā€œaux send/receiveā€ options, which could get super interesting, as well as being able to sequence/lfo that kind of stuff not to mention if you introduce scenes/perfmode or whatever kind of performance boosters they might be capable of designing.

IDK just thinking out loud


Sure Uri B would be very supportive of this move.

Yes, definitely a mixer.
But a mixer says ā€œoutboardā€ to me than ā€œinterfaceā€. But throw on a USB. Because there are lots of good mixers that are pretty established by now.
For an Elektron mixer, iā€™d prefer a MIDI interface/master clock as been said.
EQ with 3 bands, but mid sweep too. Inline channel filters. Donā€™t see a real need for too many mic preamps/mono channels, so 8 stereo switchable with 4 preamps.
Kind of 1202-ish. To keep it small and affordable. Of course, more of a performance mixer.
There arenā€™t too many Elektron effects I see as indespensible other than the filters and EQ, really. I guess a verb, maybe. Master Comp? Never used one on mix, myself. More of a post/mastering thing.
2 Aux outs. Master EQ. 1 RCA Tape/2 Main out, Bal/Unbal. No sliders, all pots and lighted mute/aux/fx buttons. And a nice little LED gooseneck light you can change colors on!

The missing link between Octatrack(or any MIDI controller that can send CCs) and Eurorack. Use the MIDI CCs from OT ā€žCTRL 1&2ā€œ Pages, to control any Module.
Daisy chain multiple modules for even more CVs.

The basic model (the small one) generates CVs from incoming MIDI Data. One module equals one MIDI track of the OT.
The luxury version can record the MIDI ccā€˜s of a pattern. Record the same pattern with different CCs and use the slider to morph between the values. Basically a scene feature for your modular. Additional features of this modules are LFO and Clock generators and a mode where all cv ports are used for controlling polyphonic patches. The module can be used as controll unit if itā€™s daisy chained with the smaller modules.

The concept arts are far from perfect, but I think it shows what i imagine.

If you guys like the idea, i may create a dedicated thread, with better artworks an more details.

EDIT: Thanks a lot my fellow elektronauts, your feedback means a lot to me!


Iā€™m not that much into modular, but that is one hell of a cool idea.


@Kari lovely artzšŸ‘Œ


Same here. Interesting work.