What gear would you like to see elektron do next?

That’s for the guys in legal to iron out

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A 20 channele mega box
4 stereo samples
4 fm channels
4 analogue sytnth chanels
8 analogue drums / mono sample channels

With digital effects and analogue distortions

Nothing that complex, just the entire range in one box.


Edit: bad maths

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Model:SID. Do it. Now.


Dec 2017:

Aside from the fact that Digitone really has one engine, though it is perfectly capable of making all the sounds you mention, I’d say they have delivered.


Just put SID chips in everything right?!?!?

I agree with the sentiment of nothing but maximizing firmware from here on out for a long while.

I’m all Elektron’d out. The OT and DN can make fresh tracks for years to come, let alone with any other gear.



I don’t really think they need to invent anything new for quite a while. I’d just like to see improvements to the devices that they’ve already released.


Octatrack with Overbridge, and maybe some fresh/revamped fx.


While this sounds like a good idea, this clashes with the needs of still growing company. There is a reason why they have shortened their new product release cycle from years to yet just only 6 months.

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They didn’t become an industry giant, even when surrounded by companies that have existed for decades beyond theirs, by releasing sub-par devices.

The difference between them and their competition is it’s easier for them to crash and burn by making poor business decisions.

They need to innovate and release timely products. There are tons of Elektron boxes in circulation, many people prefer secondhand units, and if they don’t innovate there’s no real motivation to get new devices save for the few (like myself) who prefer new items.

Digitone Keys with the keyboard attached vertically.

Pitchbend and Mod wheels can be a seperate device (Overbridge Enabled) on a 50m USB cable for placement in “otherworldly” or hard to reach places i.e. a next door neighbours garage or bathroom.

Im not convinced that they can deliver something new and exciting without leaving out important features. I mean I < 3 love <3 the four boxes I have but I just haven’t seen anything from this company worth purchasing in a while. I mean, I’d would also love to be proven wrong too so there’s that lol


Elektron built themselves on their sequencer. Now that every box they’ve released has it, they likely tried to expand back into the “synth” category, while leaving in the “Elektron” and leaving out everything that comprises the current successful synth market…

I mean imagine how much more successful this synth release would be with the user rendered designs and 16 voices…

Too much middle ground going on, neither innovation nor something uniquely desirable.


All i really want from elektron is a next OT with either OB or more physical outs.
Or at leeeeast an OS update for the current OT addressing the biggest known issues or at leeeeeeeeaaaaast some of them.



I mean, I would have bought this…
(mock-up found on lines forum)


Expanded or optimized sweet spots for a bit more instant gratification like an sh101.
More complete with 3band eq + 3 fx per channel imagine a rytm or digitakt with such an extension and some stereo channels maybe 16 voices. Holy crap…yes something more complete and polished i wish…

Oh no, this looks really not nice.

Was still hoping to see a digital drum synth in DT/DN form-factor. Seems like a logical move, but what do I know? Never even would have thought of Digitone Keys.

Edit - Would rather see a DigiTakt OS update with 8 different drum synths. Dig down a page or two past sample layer to access. Also layer drum synth sound with samples, kinda like Rytm.


I think a hybrid sampler + FM synth with DN + DT capacities would have been ace.
Using samples as waveforms would have insanely developed DN sound palette.
And drums/sampler (with retrig) + synth (with arp and portamento) on the same device… yum !


I think @Ess said the spec of the DT is being used near maximum as it is, if only it was as/more powerful to/than the DN!

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