What i do not understand about AK MIDI?

I am aware of the Sequencer not sending out MIDI but…why in Cubase Elektron
does not send any MIDI out just by pressing the Keys? As any other Controller.
It does receive but it does not send. Thru USB Connection only. If i play an Elektron
Track in Cubase from my SL61 MK2 it will play the Elektron…if i play the Elektron
Keys then in Cubase i get no MIDI Signal going in. I thought only the Sequencer is blocked.


Have you switched on External Keyboard Mode (page 15 of the manual)?

What have you set for OUTPUT TO in the Global > MIDI CONFIG > MIDI Port CONFIG menu (page 52 of the manual)?

Thanks Peter, that did it…while on this. To use the C6 Software, for backups, updates
and stuff…it HAS to be connected thru MIDI DIN not thru USB Ports right?


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USB is fine. Make sure your Keys’ USB port isn’t used up by DAW etc (even Chrome) when you’re using C6.

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Thank You Sir!

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