What is your favorite audio interface for modular to mac (silicon)

So if you have a DC-coupled interface, you can send cv from Live or another external source directly to your modular system? Is that via the line outputs of the interface? (sorry, total n00b on this one)


Yep! You need to use a special cable, a floating ring cable



Seriously, that thought crossed my mind.

Sample your modular as you interface with it. Compliment it with drums etc, and all the good stuff Digitakt can do. Get a midi control module for the modular and use the Digitakt sequencer to run it.

That’s a win, win, win situation. Bonus compression, reverb and delay as well.

Yeah, well, I’ve got two stereo fx in my case. So that was why I decided to not go that route.

I have got an OT, but that has no Overbridge plus I want to be able to record long sessions.

Bummer, had a Digitakt before and I really liked it, but I eventually ditched it for an OT because of stereo sampling.

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My Evo8 (4 inputs) is another very affordable and great sounding interface I use all the time. Could go Modular>OT>computer and be doing similar.

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