What plugin would you use to sound like this?

I’ve seen some interesting stuff donde using SPEAKERPHONE
Idk if it’s what you’re after…


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Ill check it out- thanks for supplying your input!

Sure thing! Hope it helps in anyway.

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Alternatively, if you don’t have $500 laying around for a collection of impulse responses, you could try these free impulse responses from Audiothing:

If you have Max or Max 4 Live, loading an IR is not so difficult.

If you need one-time processing and don’t have those programs, I imagine you could find a convolution for PureData, or convolve with a python or processing script…using window overlap and add and convolve in the frequency domain for faster performance wink:


Yes, that is perfect! If this experiment bares any fruit then I will definitely invest in that program! Thank you very much!

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Thank you very much! THAT is what is feasible for my current status! I appreciate this!

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