What’s your artist name and why did you choose it?

The Deccan Traps

So, I was reading about previous mass extinction events and the Deccan Traps are a one of the Earths largest volcanic features that are widely suspected to have played a part in the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction. I always thought the name would be perfect for a proper mod band but I make experimental and ambient music. There are now another band called The Deccan Traps who appear to be very serious about their music and I imagine that we will be having a conversation about names at some point.


that’s a good one. has serious meaning for you and is a cool name too.

my current one is Falk3n, it’s a homage to my dad who passed away in January. he was a passionate falconer his whole life. its the first moniker I’ve had that feels like it has substance to me.


Thanks for your kind words @pidgeo♥️


I got three: OKHUMAN, nozone layer, and slow mutants.

I always have liked how OK looks like a stick figure on its side and came up with the name/logo design based around it. Annoyed that Weezer named an album the same recently, so it always comes up when you search the name even though it’s one word.

Second one is an obvious play on ozone layer. It’s an alias for an ambient music project and I liked the apocalyptic sound of the name.

This is taken from Stephen King’s Dark Tower series. It’s an experimental doom metal project and the name seemed fitting.


Not that I’ve released anything or performed live yet but I will release and perform under ‘Christopher Day’. Not my last name but my proper last name is nothing catchy.

I’ve also set aside another for different projects: Pluriform Daydream

Speaks to overall state of my brain for much of my waking life.


Mine’s from the main female character in this movie.
Because of her brave smile, and it also sounds beautiful.


I have two main projects.
Attune and Unifono.
Origin of attune was „a tune“ and unifono came from unisono. In a very free interpretation/translation they meant the same thing for me – to be in unison, to be in accordance in a musical context. Don’t know if that even is used correctly.
I just was looking for words that sound and look nice basically :slightly_smiling_face:


Lol, first time I realized it’s a dog


Solo stuff: mohr
Can’t remember how I ended up there, but I think I started with mot (Tom backwards), realised that was dumb as hell, then started adding letters and messing about with it, followed by some googling to check it.

Band: Hundred Year Old Man
There’s a great speech by Harry Leslie Smith about the NHS that he gave at a UK Labour Party conference (back when that party actually gave a shit) which he starts with “I am almost a hundred years old…”, and which we sampled heavily in one of our first songs. Also absolutely nothing to do with the book, honest :wink:

New live electronic stuff with a mate: Automa
He wanted to call it Automatons, I didn’t like it and though it was too long, couldn’t think of anything batter so cut a few letters off.


It’ s lint_filter for more than 20 years. I like it very, very much because I think it speaks for itself and is some kind of neat ( the german word for “lint“ is “fusel“).


No exciting origin story, just saw a two toed pigeon in Newcastle & thought it was a funny collection of words. I’m that basic.


Mine is Dotlights

I wanted something that hadn’t been used to release on streamers and would be easy to google so I thought a made up word would be good. I like bokeh so that’s where it comes from.


Haven’t released any music (I plan to eventually as I get more experience) but I think my choice would be the same as my username on here: Imposter. It’s an ironic reference to imposter syndrome, which I assume most artists can relate to. It would kind of be my way owning my lack of confidence. Would love to know if anybody likes it or if it comes off as pretentious


My artist name, naturally, is Pineapple Dave. This was originally a nickname given to me by a family friend, as my name is David, and I wear pineapple related clothing constantly. Pineapple shirts and pineapple socks are my main trademarks, but I also own an assortment of other random pineapple themed items, such as mugs. When I decided to release my first EP, the name was a natural choice. I feel like it is decently memorable without sounding too stupid.

I also technically have a second artist name, Temek, with which I release the most garbage ambient of my ambient garbage. The name has no meaning, cuz I made it up. :wink:



it’s a shitpost injoke. at some point i set my discord nickname to wangus for a meetup with friends. (hadn’t used discord before)

then when i joined the M8 tracker, didn’t realize it would default to the same nickname, but just rolled with it.

then when i joined the weeklybeats community I kept it consistent, plenty overlap in those communities.

so of course the music i release from weeklybeats falls under wangus.

it’s simple, stupid, funnier to me than anybody else, not overloaded (top-ish music result for wangus). perfect


Ok, except that I still have chosen no artist name yet and mine were party brownies, are you me?

Nik muzka because my first gig the guy thought my name was muzka and put it on the flyer. I saw the flyer and asked where he got that, he apologised and said he was a bit drunk and reading an interview with a skater called chad muska and the name stuck in his head and he thought that’s what I was called.

Ext gig someone else put the same name down because they saw it on the flyer. I just kept it after that


I release stuff as Odonian which comes from the book The Dispossessed by Ursula LeGuin, I highly recommend you read it if you haven’t. The Dispossessed - Wikipedia


I grew up skating during the time that Chad Muska was the biggest thing happening, anytime I’ve seen your user name I’ve thought about his skating in Fulfill the Dream.


My main artist name is mncrmo, which comes from monocromo without all the vowels it means monochrome in spanish). I like it because I like black and white and monochromatic stuffs. Also looks kind of cool to me without all the vowels.

I have a secondary name which is Gustavo Gris, because I like the name Gustavo and I like a painter called Juan Gris. Also includes the black and white inspiration.