Whats your favourite 'clean' delay?

the strymon dig has a ping pong mode and sounds extremely clean in the 24/96 mode

When I read “clean” delay I think we have got to be talking about digital delays. So I think the theoretical cleanest delay is going to be a digital delay run at a high sample rate (in case you want to pitch it down) with a high bit depth. I would be curious to know how various suggestions people have been making rate when compared on this criteria.

Personally I like the Chronoblob (Audio: 16bit, 48kHz) for my digital delay. Since it is a eurorack module I can get quite creative with sound design and can even run the buffer through a low pass filter to recreate BBD delays.

Yeah, thats a fair point.

Euro delay would be sound! Something I had thought about but never done it. Just thinking, can you use it like a pedal and use as a stereo AUX send? Talking about the chronoblob in particular here. I’d potentially get it through my Res EQ. That would be fun as…

Hahaa, I guess I sounded a bit judgemental.
But I don‘t have the Timeline myself, just from the demos I‘ve heard it sounded pretty precise to my ears. So I thought your standards of clean might be much higher than mine. Having gone through a fair share of smaller delay pedals myself, I assumed that some of the suggestions might not live up to your expectations. Yada yada, etc.

But yeah, some units definitely have nicer colouring than others.

Nah, didn’t think that at all! Just a general question on my half. Cool, well thanks for the input. Thats the thing about the timeline, people swear by it… definetely does make me think my standards of clean are high. At the end of the day, whenever I stick serum FX ping pong on high hats I get extremely excited and hope theres a pedal out there that repeats the way that one does. It’s literally what goes in… comes back out…

Got mine for 200€. Some good deals to be found on the used market when it comes to these.

They are great effects units, very versatile.

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I have the chronoblob mk1, which is just one channel. I have used it as a stereo send effect though, as modular routing is very flexible, and set up patches where it pans back and forth or jumps around at the start of a bar.

The Chronoblob mk2 has stereo signal pathing and you can offset the delay time each channel independently from a master control knob. I have heard some very cool patches with it, but have not gotten to play with one myself. It sounds more like what you are looking for.

Also worth mentioning is software that lets you get very precise with making your own delays. Node patching sound design like Audulus and PD lets you make anything you can think of, although PD can be pretty hard to learn how to use.

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I have a second-hand unit and it’s great. …but, since I got hold of an Allen & Heath QU24, I haven’t use it as much. It does sync to MIDI very well though.

You could argue that the M-One XL’s delays are actually more flexible though, in that it will do 2 different ping-pong delays on its own.

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Strymon Dig is super clean sounding.

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Cool! Well thanks everyone for the inputs. Im gonna have to do alot of re-search with all these reccomendations!

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Ah yeah, well to be honest I had very similar experiences with hi hat delays too! There‘s always this bit of smearing and crunchiness going on, even with these bread-and-butter digital delays.

Typically I tend to use the built in delays of the hi hat source machines (?) rather than separate units.
The Digitakt‘s delay is preserving its own sound pretty well. All the outboard stuff is for colour.

Hmm… dang… not what I was wanting to hear lol, kinda glad it’s not just me though. Nah, my drum machine doesn’t have any sort of delay built in. Im actually not that fond of that idea but that’s 5am chat.

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Embrace the dirt, man :crazy_face:


Send me a hihat pattern and I’ll run it through my DIG pedal.

I always thought timeline had the same algo’s as dig, but with more controls and algos. There isn’t a “hidden” parameter somewhere that colors the sound?


sure, id love that. How do you suppose I send it?

Do you have Soundcloud? Just make a private and downloadable song there. :slight_smile:

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Cool, Im not near my gear so ill just send you over a simple thing in my latest project

Cool. I should have some free time tomorrow. Dig is a pretty basic pedal, but i think it sounds good.

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OTO BIM is also well worth checking out.

For cleanliness, maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I didn’t dig the DD500 at all. In stead I ran my signal into the RV500. It has a simple uncoloured delay effect and a great reverb.