What's your TECHNO setup

Love that session :ok_hand:

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Octatrack, however I may just keep the MPC X for the next 20yrs like I did the 2000XL… hard to part with an Akai it does come in hand.
IMO the old Akai’s were more solid in the midi timing department than the new age stuff… just my thoughts of course. I had all my synths hooked up last week sequenced ny the MPC X and there was clearly midi drift but I still like Akai stuff so I’ll save for an Octatrack later this year.


No Iv’e just started doing music, I’m here for advice as I bought my first synths in the last few weeks.
Mainly looking for pro users to put me right.
Nice setup btw :+1:


Any reason you want the tr8s over mc707? Seems like that would give you the extra synth flex

Don’t know how much ‘techno’ i make but my setup currently:

  • PreSonus 32SC
  • Digitakt / Digitone / Heat
  • Macbook / Push 2
  • Fantom 8
  • DeepMind 12d
  • Sirin

I also have this in my setup right now but I’m thinking of saying goodbye

  • MPC Live (I’m sick of Akai)
  • MC 101 (doesn’t offer anything not on Fantom. Bought it as a mobile sound module)
  • Eventide Eclipse (I don’t play live and can get good sounds itb)

I’m cutting back most of my setup to be itb. I don’t mind running midi from there and don’t play live.

The Tr-8s have the acb technology, mc707 doesn’t, the tr-8s is cheaper on the second hand market, and i don’t need what mc707 has to offer.

I prefer a box for specific task instead of one box for multiple task.

Same here!

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This is why I have MBase and Brane 11 because I like certain things for certain tasks, the rest of the drums I just use samples. Just the way I prefer. Also because Iv’e never found any modules like the Jomox that does claps/hats. Iv’e only found these things in ridiculously priced euro rack modules.

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Do you find that you use the Squarp more often then not, as your midi sequencing command centre?

Doh. Forgot about the acb. That makes perfect sense

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That’s all you need… very nice setup there. That DJ mixer is nice but expensive :+1:

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Christ that mixer is huge


The lens distortion stretches it out in that pic but yes, it s as big as a Mackie with many more channels. But that has a big advantage: nice big knobs with a lot of space around them to tweak on dark hectic stages!

Its actually less wide than an AR2 but that pic makes it look wider.

My pics gives a better idea of relative size (though also distorted):

I use the Squarp mainly just to sequence all the Roland Boutiques, it handles it very well, the way that you build sequences (collections of track/patterns and mute states) is very nice, the definition files mean that full CC control of any of the gear is easy to do.

Between the Squarp, Octatrack and Deluge I have a nice sequencing core that allows me to work in a few different ways, I like them all for different things, I don’t tend to use the OT or Deluge for sequencing external gear, but it is nice to have the option.


Thanks for your response, much appreciated.

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I’m rebuilding, selling and buying etc at,.

I’ve got Model:Samples, Bastle Microgranny for sampling. I’m, without any doubt, going to add a Model:Cycles and a currently undecided analog synth in the next week or two. Then I’m going to go for either Pittsburgh Modular SV1 or 0coast Make Noise, probably the SV1, I have MOTU Ultralite as a mixer. If I need one i’ll get a Pyramid. Thought the MOTU can send CV so…

Plus I’m using a small handful of plug ins, just the one instrument, U-He Zebra/Dark Zebra, it’s up there with hardware imo, just sounds incredible with so few components.

I’m going to check out some of those Behringer synths, my expectations are very low, but they do sound pretty decent on sonic state so we’ll have to see. The Moog Mother 32 clone for £150 seems very interesting, that’s peanuts really. I think the 303 clones are £120 lol :s Not a huge fan of the 303 but a little 303 square bass here and there is fine.

If I use ITB processing, the above will be more than enough, in fact it might be too much, but if I pair a behringer semi modular with the Pittsburgh + cv out from MOTU + M4L it’ll be pretty nuts for not much spent.




I keep it pretty simple when going straight techno; this has been my live setup for the past few years. No longer have the Volca or Model D but same concept, now with a DN in their stead.

Here’s the setup in action if you want to hear, this is leaning towards acid and techno:


I’ll be that guy claiming you don’t need a lot for some good ol’ techno: Volca sample and Monotron delay.