Where have the boys from Boards of Canada gone?

There are online anagram generators. Fab dodos arcana.

I watched that fan video. A bit odd that the entire middle half-hour is devoted to the teaser campaign for Tomorrow’s Harvest.

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That latest track of theirs couldn’t have come at a better time, lyrics are spot on!

Lucky man!

Beware the midges :grimacing:

It felt like a pretty big deal at the time, but I only got into them in about 2005, so I guess it was more of a thing for us latecomers maybe?

Definitely could have done with more info on the earlier goings on though.

I can totally understand getting swept up in it at the time. I just don’t know if it translates well to outsiders a decade later. It’s a bit too hermetic. But there just isn’t a lot of public “info on the earlier goings on”, so it’s not like anything was neglected. The video could probably be edited down into a really tight 45 minutes or so.

A friend gave me a copy of “Music Has” around the millennium but I was into rather different music at the time. I went back to it earlier this year, after starting to buy synths and samplers, and appreciated it a lot more.

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If you like watching visuals with the tracks this video of tomorrow’s harvest album with fan made clips and official videos is brilliant


I imagine they’re probably busy prepping :slight_smile:

Fantastic, I hadn’t seen this! Interesting stuff about (not so) hidden meanings & references in Geogaddi…

Question on the track ‘1969’. There’s a vocoder used extensively on the track. Is that their own voices or a sample taken from somewhere. If its their own, what vocoder did they use? Cheers.

There’s a female voice used for ‘1969 in the sunshine’ with some other’s based on a David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. More info:

There’s not much about their equipment:

And there’s even some talk about it being a talkbox and not a vocoder on forums like WATMM:


Cheers Craig. Yes i’ve been through those site links not much help though. Its not the ‘1969 in the Sunshine’, bit its the male voice repeating lines on what i thought was a vocoder but now that you mention it it maybe a talkbox. Im not sure they ever used their own voices?

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Yeah, I don’t hear much (or any) Scottish off the top of my head. They’re all about sampling.


Its a bit strange to sample a vocoded voice. Maybe they had a guest artiste come in :slight_smile: Maybe Thom Yorke. Great track though


No no. I mean, take a sample then vocoder/talkbox it :slight_smile:


Ooh. I didnt know you could do that…ideas formulating.

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Play anything loud enough into a microphone and you can do whatever you want to it :sunglasses:


Great tip. I would never had thought of that :slight_smile: Now i need to find a vocoder. I tried using DAW ones but they never worked out. Any tips on a vocoder with a talkbox effect built in?

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If you want a super cheap talkbox effect, load the sample you want onto your phone, stick the speaker end in your mouth, then record into a mic while the sample is playing.

Results may vary :wink:


I’ll give it a go. Cheers.

By ‘record the output’, I mean stick a mic up near you bt the way. Not sure I was that clear reading it back.

You’ll probably want a loud phone and/or a quiet room to do it well.

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