Which monitors do you use?

I haven’t done full mixdowns on them yet to see how they translate on other systems, but just for playback they are extremely revealing, even on material that I thought I was familiar with.


I actually bought the eris 3.5’s about 2 months ago and I love them for my small room, have been very impressed with them, and the price is ridiculous for what you get


Did anyone owned both Focal Alpha 65 and Genelec 8XXX or did already made a comparaison.

Looking for opinions about those two brands. those focal are really tempting and a bit lower price compare to Genelec, but I read a lot of good things on the Genelec transparency over the frequency spectrum. Should I save a bit more money and wait for the Genelec or those Alpha 65 would be enough for my needs?

I will be using them for jamming and some future mixing for my own music.

I switched last year from adam a5x to the neumann kh 310 with the 750 sub. the Adams had an annoying problem with ground buzz that I couldnt get rid of, even with di-boxes inbetween.

what i noticed the most is, that these midfield monitors arent so sensitive to room correction like smaller nearfield monitors. you need a good treaded room, but they cover a much greater sweet spot, so mode elimination with sonarworks & co is not as crucial.

for getting the level of singers right, a check with avatones is very usefull. a small mono box will be enough.

the new big iLouds with dsp-correction also sound good - if you stick to the very small sweet spot and dont move. Otherwise you get phasing problems.

I was shocked tbh, I paid £66 inc delivery from Scan, B-Stock. They couldn’t compete with a decent £600 pair in any way shape or form though. I expected them to be useless, and, in a way, they are, but for the price they’re great sounding for general use.

The Dynamic response is really good for such a cheap pair of speakers. When it gets to about 80hz, there’s just nothing though, it’s just not there, maybe really loud something is audible. I’m keeping them though,

I had the Alpha 65 monitor and can honestly say they are amazing for the money.
I used mine for general music listening as well as music production and was very impressed, plenty of detail, good imagining and a really nice (but not boomy) bottom end.


Same for me. Very happy with Focal Alpha 65.

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Full disclosure: I actually sold them and upgraded to the Shape 65 but in all honesty I probably should have just stuck with the Alphas, I just got gas!
Focal made a very good monitor there for a decent price.

Me too, I have the 50’s, not the 65’s, but I’m very happy with them (great detail, surprisingly good bass from a smaller speaker). Plus Focal were very good at arranging a fast repair when one failed. When I need new ones, I’ll probably go for Focals again.

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For the past 20-odd years, i’ve been using Mission 720i speakers and i can’t fault them.
I did borrow a pair of NS10’s for a while but found them way too flat, no warmth or colour in the sound and going back to when every man and his dog was setting up a home studio, they were the choice, plus a host of others which for good or bad (mostly bad), people were choosing monitors from the marketing side of the manufacturers, some were being influenced by other factors instead of using their ears.
The Missions are basically HI-FI speakers, not monitors but that’s the point, they give you the warmth of the music.

Quick Monitor question, seems like a good place to ask. Can I keep my KRK’s in a hot humid garage for prolong times (days - weeks) or is that asking for damage?

Pretty sure MDF doesn’t like those conditions, I would move them.

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Good point, thanks, though I’m more worried about the speakers than appearance. I guess I won’t be lazy and just move them.

If it warps the cabinet it will affect the sound.

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That happened to my krk 10s sub. The mdf swelled which blew out the seams. I’m in the process of cloning the cabinet currently. The driver and amp are fine at least.

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Adam T5Vs. Overall they sound nice but I’m in an untreated room with the rear ports a bit too close to the back wall and I get a noticeable resonance around 100-120hz… at the very least I need to put foam behind them. Not looking to do much treatment since I know I’ll be moving in less than 5 years… would probably like to upgrade to A5X’s + sub if/when it makes sense to

Previously I had a studio space with a friend who had a pair of KRK 8" monitors and we had them set up on the same interface. When we first moved in we spent some time A/Bing them with different types of music just to see how they compared.

Unsurprisingly the KRK’s had superior low end and didn’t really feel like they needed a sub for general use, where my Adam’s clearly lacked that extension. However, I thought the Adam’s were far more balanced overall. The KRK’s were more scooped in the mids in a way that made every modern electronic / bassy track sound nice and sweet, but sounded off on other styles of music. Specifically, I remember putting on a METZ track and the aggression / “punch” of the production was noticeably subdued on the KRK’s where it was much more even on the Adam’s.

also in an untreated space, ymmv, etc etc

Don’t they have a bass roll off on the back?

Althought I’d never buy Rokkits again, I think KRK get a bad rep. The VXT’s were good, their 8400 headphones were some of the best mixing closed backs I ever used. I got them for £30! Lol. They were based on the VXT. They translate perfectly to MSP 5’s and were miles better overall the AT-50(v1) which I had at the same time. Worst isolation on any headphone ever though…

I’d take them off and here 99% the exact same thing on my MSP5’s, it was amazing, obviously not the width, but the tonality and levels were spot on every single time.

Event 2020 BAS v3, bought them years ago based on recommendations online. Can’t really comment on their accuracy as I’m not an expert but I do love the sound of them for listening, been enjoying working from home and having them on


I wonder if it’s cheaper to build your own?

I’m still using a set of Mackie HR624 MK1’s from over 15 years ago. They got glowing praise in Sound On Sound mag at the time and sounded fantastic, but they took a lot of getting used to once I moved them into a smaller room 3 or 4 years ago. They’re perhaps a little bit too big for the new room and i’m sure I would have bought 5" now, or possibly even smaller.

Regarding building your own, if a fiend’s home made sound system is anything to go by, that he built for his son’s crew to hire out, some people aren’t cut out for it.

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