Which semi-modular?

Taiga and use the price difference with the Cascadia (over a grand) to buy some other modules.

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(cheater. :stuck_out_tongue: )

A non-binary response to a binary question. No ulterior innuendo intended.

Iā€™ve got a Hydrasynth Desktop I want to pair up with a semi-modular. Iā€™m not looking to get into Eurorack (ever - famous last words, I know) so Iā€™m looking for a self-contained box that is beautiful in of itself, and doesnā€™t have to rely on ā€œthis other moduleā€ to really shine.

Iā€™m currently looking into something akin to Buchla-style sound. Iā€™ve currently got my eye on the Taiga, the 0-coast and the West Pest (in that order). They all seem to offer ā€œthat soundā€ but the Taiga looks the most complete. I could probably score a cheap 0-coast secondhand, but the weird design of the synth actually deters me a bit - looks very exoteric and different (which of course could be a good thing).

For reference, I adore making ambient slowpaced music (everything upbeat and with lots of instruments and beats I handle in the box). I like sampling and layering to make drones and walls of sound etc. I usually do some live jamming while multitracking and then I re-arrange and master in the box afterwards.

As a bonus question, would it be possible to run MIDI from my computer to my Hydrasynth, and then run MIDI THROUGH into a CV gate? Or is there a mismatch in signals here?

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Donā€™t forget the Microvolt 3900. I use one for ambient, experimental music. You can procure one secondhand. For your last question, you would need a Midi to CV converter.

I can only speak for 0-Coast here (not sure about the other two) but thereā€™s no need to get the Hydrasynth involved. The 0-Coast accepts midi (mono only ofc) and comes with an adapter for 5-pin midi connections. And, of course, if you want to get the Hydrasynth arp into the 0-Coast without midi, you can use the CV and Gate outs instead.

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I just got a barp 2600, its pretty great

Although Iā€™ve not owned one myself I think if your budget supports it itā€™s a hard option to beat - it covers a lot of ground (east and west) and sounds fantastic. Extensive patchbay too.

I think Cascadia versus 2600m would be the most apples-to-apples choice. and Iā€™d choose 2600m. (and purchase a Cascadia later)

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I thought this about Taiga too when I first saw all those patch points but it actually looks fairly limited at the same time. For example, the ADSRs, you get in and out and thatā€™s it by the looks of it. No way to modulate decay or send a gate at end of cycle etc. 0-Coast has less patch points but Iā€™d say itā€™s more flexible in some ways. Having three separate oscillators on Taiga is better for FM and cross modulation, etc, tho, admittedly.


I thought this at first too, but the manual is really detailed and explains whatā€™s going on well. Thereā€™s actually a sort of logic to how everything is labeled thatā€™s consistent across all of their stuff. Iā€™d check out the manual if youā€™re getting serious about it (skip the midi stuff at first, itā€™s a bit confusing).

Your left-field option for Buchla on a budget is the Volca Modular. I really like this little box! Plus it wonā€™t tempt you into additional modular stuff.


I got the Cascadia :stuck_out_tongue:


Except for the leftmost centimetre, which is the equivalent of the junk drawer I had as an adolescent.

Thanks for the reply :slight_smile: I was actually talking about sending MIDI notes from Ableton to the Hydrasynth, and then use the MIDI THROUGH into the semi-modular. Iā€™m asking since I like to program sequences from my DAW, and donā€™t really like to use step sequencers. I believe the Hydrasynth Desktop can send MIDI over CV, but the question is if the MIDI from the computer can do a pass through. Canā€™t seem to find that covered in the manual.

@tapesky Thanks, Iā€™ve actually already skimmed the manual but since you point out it should be logical, maybe I should try a more thorough read :wink:

Thanks for the replies, lads. That didnā€™t make it easier. Might end up ordering them all and make good use of the european return window.


I had an Explorer at one point but not at the same time as an 0-Coast or alternative (semi-) modular. So, I couldnā€™t try it out. But for this specific use case, it could be worth reaching out to ASM to see whether they think itā€™s possible or not. I think theyā€™re very responsive.