White LED light from the track-buttons are too bright

If you don’t have enough midi out/thru, you need a midi patch bay to use them ! :smile:

I have contact the elektron support and they gave me following answer:

We don’t have any plans for adjustable light intensity yet, but you have some very good points. This is something we can adjust in software, so no diffusor is needed. I’ll take your critique and forward it to our developers.

So it seems that they will change something in the future.

But unfortunately I have to tell you, that I have decided to give the Digitakt back to the seller shop. I have a 30 days money back guarantee and after a lot of days of testing are the LED’s still to bright for me. My eyes are burning after a long working with Digitakt and I can’t really enjoy the Digitakt. I really love the working flow and the individual sound of it and the sequencer is still my favourit and the trigger-locks are awesome.

But I don’t like instrument/machines with too bright LED’s. I am not sensitiv because of this stuff. This is my first instrument where I have this problem.

I wish all other new owner of the Digitakt a lot of fun and some really nice sessions with this product.

I am out.


I understand. I like dark lighting too.
With a little 40w light, I’m ok with Ot.
Quite harsh in the dark, but there are no white leds.
Don’t know if DT use the same kind of Rgb leds, and the ability to choose other settings.

LEDs are to bright for me as well.

Looks like they have full control over collar and brightness.
I woud like to have a global led brightness setting for buttons on the digitone.

+1 on dimmed lights

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Dim mode would be cool. But it’s great they’re bright in daylight anyway. Of course it’s not difficult to either have a light on in your room or put on sunglasses if it’s that much an issue

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are people not jamming in sunglasses? i thought this was the way it’s done!

…so many spilled beers! lol


for anyone stumbling on this thread / having the same issue – i have some tint film laser-cut to the Octatrack’s keys up on my Reverb shop. i contacted Elektron support and they said there are no plans to make the LED colors or brightness adjustable so in the meantime figured i’d try @BossDoggington’s idea and it works quite well


Open it up
Draw on the leds with black marker pen
Screw the top back on.

Or sell the box and buy another thing.


+1 for LED brightness control… way too bright at night (digitone).


Love the Digitakt but have to admit after being a proud owner for a few weeks now those flashy bright white buttons really cause severe problems with my eyes while beat making for longer then 30 minutes. I sincerely hope Elektron will put some small extra code in a future update to let user-adjust this or leave me look silly with welding goggles


Agree. They’re way too bright. Bright white LEDs are known to be bad for your health and frankly they just hurt. We very much need a setting to crank them way down. Man, that stop button burns my retina!

It’s such a lovable machine apart from the insane brightness of the LEDs.



Disappointing that this is still an issue, i just spent roughly an hour cutting out led dimming tint to cover the keys on my digitone. They ruin the look the machine but i couldnt use the DT anymore without dimming it.


i ended up doing what bailey did, except i opened it up and put the dimming film on the inside of the buttons. took quite a while, but it is way better now. for the screen i put the film on the outside of the case to avoid touching the actual OLED screen. these two things combined have made it comfortable to work with. A simple [High, Medium, Low] setting/option would make this so much easier. I can’t believe someone hasn’t modified the firmware to make it possible I would if I had any idea how. :slight_smile:

C’mon Elektron, do we need to all sign a petition or something so you can know how many people want this option…


+1 for adjustable brightness :joy:



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If they designed the hardware accoringly, that can be adressed via a firmware update. It would need a kind of attenuator for the LED input voltage.
If not: no way. Filters are your goto solution.

Yeah the Digitone LEDs are way too bright and was it really necessary to have play and stop LEDs.
I am perfectly happy to use my ears to to determine whether the sequencer is playing or not.

+1 for dimmed brightness/ minimal mode with less action on the LEDs

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The ability to adjust the brightness of the LEDs on my DN would be awesome! My first observation when I got my DN was, damn thats bright.