Who is the Bob Dylan of the Electronic Music world?

Yeah, IDK since I think Sabbath are infinitely better than any other 70s hard rock band. First 6 albums that is.


thanks. Will check them.
I donā€™t care for psychedelic though. I care for great songs and instrumentation :slightly_smiling_face:

I actually donā€™t know them that well. At all, really. I listened to Paranoid once and it just made me want to listen to Zep.


Seriously if this song doesnā€™t still make the hair on your neck stand up I think you might be deaf. Zeppelin made nothing this powerful ever, and this isnā€™t even the heaviest track by Sabbath.


Thatā€™s the worst Sabbath song from the first 6 albums, hah.

Heā€™s the Joni Mitchell of Cornwall

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You know everyoneā€™s got that uncle who likes to think heā€™s got his ā€œfinger on the pulseā€ when actually, heā€™s just jumping into stuff right at the point it gets a bit popular, just like everyone else.

That was the Beatles that was.


The album??

I listened to your example and imo its just slowed down Zep.

But I respect peopleā€™s opinions who love them (like yall) so no disrespect.

Wimple Winchā€¦ will provide.

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That is a valid criticism on the surface but, like Bowie and Radiohead after them, the difference was they all could write songs like no one else.

But isnā€™t that what everyone does? No one creates from a vacuum.

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They were slower and darker and had more memorable riffs, Led Zep is a lot more standard blues based apart from the guitar leads, which were sometimes influenced by classical music. Iā€™m a miserable metalhead though so I canā€™t quite enjoy hippie bullshit in any form, excepting a few awesome psych rock bands.


I think you are just trying to be the cool underdogs by not liking the beatles.
Common. I donā€™t believe you anyway. :wink:
But it was good fun.
Now letā€™s go home and listen to abbey road


Obladi oblada fuck ooooffffffff


Oh right choose one of the lamest Paul songs.

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ok. you have a point here

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Bro. Yokoā€™s ā€œFlyā€

She had the best Beatles solo career. (HOT-TAKE)

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Yeah man, Yokoā€™s done some crazy stuff. Canā€™t really call myself a fan, but sheā€™s definitely a lot more interesting than any official Beatle.


That is actually not an argument I feel like opposing tbh.

Well yeah, when they were done chewing the rotting carcass of blues music they started ripping off indian ragas, hah. But seriously I do appreciate how they innovated in the studio, some of their songs are pretty interesting even if I donā€™t really like the way their music sounds.

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And jazz too.