Why did Yamaha drop their groovebox products?

But the real yamaha Pianos are pretty good I think.
The motorbikes also.
Yamaha is like me…
It can do anything okayish, so in the end it is good and can live on

Un (piano) hinged rant alert! :joy:

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Do you own any Roland gear?


…casio watches and pocket calculators were also pretty neat…
…and canon made damned good photocopymachines, too…even better than their cameras i heard…
…sony is great in everything…bestselling product…their playstation…

while nikon is still top notch in cameras exclusively and nintendo simply IS videogames…

would love to see u guys, if elektron would announce a vacuum cleaner next to come… :wink:

…nope…that’s the other one i really hate with passion…even given the fact that they’re indeed in music instruments only…and gave the electronic music planet some serious icons…

Reminds me of a mate coming to my house and thinking it was hilarious that I had a keyboard made by Roland… as in his mind all they made were VersaCamm vinyl cutting machines as he’s got two in his sign business😂


Those were wonderful. Like an early version of Ableton Live in hardware. I still have my original XL-7 that I bought new when it first came out. We have been through a bunch of OS updates together. I later picked up a used Mo Phatt and own most of the expansions. That XL-7 is one piece that I will never sell.

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Roland also make printers.

It’s a silly opinion. You frame it as though Yamaha motorbikes and synths are developed by the same team. :man_shrugging:


I own a Yamaha 1.5 or 2.5 hp outboard, after trying out a friend’s similar Honda. Before acquiring the outboard, I had a Yamaha mixer and the Reface DX. The attention to sound engineering really shows on the outboard. It’s more than powerful enough to fight the strong SF Bay currents, and it’s quiet enough that I don’t feel bad motoring past the waterfront homes on the way to an early weekend race.

My next boat will hopefully have a solar powered electric drive, but if I ever need another combustion outboard, Yamaha is where I would look first.

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…ooops…i knew, something is wrong about them…

and…errr…with no doubt… i dare to be silly…

yamaha doesn’t care about trends for better or worse. the only reason the reface line of little synths were released is because they were the passion project of one engineer who fought like hell to get them thru marketing and all that.

yamaha makes things like the Montage and thinks that’s that. they aren’t making things for electronic music makers. i’ve spoken to yamaha reps about an FM synth and they said they hear it all the time but it’s impossible to get people up the chain to listen.

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Ha yeah I have the same experience with my friend who works for Yamaha. I keep telling him a Reface groovebox with all four engines would be amazing. Or an FS1R reissue :wink:


The RS7000 was so deep, even deeper than Elektron gear IMHO, the manual was pretty thick, and did not even cover everything. I remember Phil Clendennin “badmister” did a series of how to supplements that were really great.

I also remember @RhythmDroid had some sick RS7000 jams on youtube back in the day.


The Reface line would have been much better if it have on board memory. Hard to believe they released digital synths without patch memory. And no, connecting an iPad to the FM Reface does not cound as on board patch memory.

It is a bit sad that Korg has the best FM keytboard on the market. I plan to get one.

The Reface DX has patch memory. I can’t remember how many patches, but they can definitely be stored on the unit.

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But the Yamaha logo is 3 tuning forks, that has to count for something right?



Nah that is a motorcycle wheel :rofl:


Slightly OT but there was once a school of thought that said the best P Bass you could get was a Yamaha BB1200


Childrens’ learning chopsticks?

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Learning chopsticks on the piano?

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