Why has Elektron been depriving us external MIDI sequencing?

It seems every silver box they made (maybe not the SID, idk) had external MIDI. Now, the only unit is the dated Octatrack.
I was on the fence about getting one but it seems there are still bugs that aren’t being fixed and some things just need updating, which will never happen apparently.
I feel they missed a huge oppurtunity on the Heat. If they put a 4 track sequencer that could be used internally and externally, then it would have been the smash hit of the year, and justified the price. H ll, I would have paid even more. After all that speculation, I personally feel very disappointed.

I own the RYTM and I am still irritated by the lack of external MIDI. I have a microgranny that would be the perfect RYTM companion if only they hadn’t arbitrarily crippled it.

I’m also befuddled that they stop production on the silver boxes when there was such a demand. I didn’t have $$ laying around during that time but I assumed they would make them for longer than 2-3 months after price redux.

So What, we have to wait until the Octa 2?? Come on Elektron, whats the long game strategy here? Adding external MIDI to your other units doesn’t seem like to much to ask.


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