Why has no one built the perfect sampler yet?

…yup…it takes a moment…but i always have that moment…no need for rush…
and once loaded…it’s loaded…i don’t tend to change my mind within one workflow/project/session that much…
while all my raw sample registers/folder structures/basic resources are pretty sorted out upfront since ages…


No generative sequencer?! Bro get into the 21st century already…


Hear hear, the MPC 2500 with JJOS is my favourite all-round sampler. That said, I bought one last year and sold it within a month. Nowadays I prefer an Elektron (Digitakt or Rytm) with a DAW. But if I had to cut down to only one device in the studio it would be an MPC 2500 with JJOS.

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The thread of fave samplers makes a lot of sense.

It’s clear that nowadays we are not focusing on the use of just one sampler. It’s just like synths, we got a few of them.

So far I have a great selection by combining soft/hardware samplers. Even working out some options to get closer to my ideal way of sampling.

Fur sure I like sampling sound fx more than synthesis, but the hybrid approach gives a lot of interesting possibilities.

Anyway, I am always in for a new hardware sampler, and remember more than 33% of the Elektron machines are sample based and yep, I have some expectations of future Elektron samplers.


I think the ideal sampler (I think beatmaking machine is more suitable) would be something similar to the Maschine+ or MPC One/Live/X in feature-set but then it comes down as well in design, materials used, design for performance (as in computing and audio performance), ergonomics, etc. There are loads of considerations just around UI/UX and aesthetics too.
Being upgradeable somehow would be nice or if for example the designers decide to remove screen to save money then I’d be able to sync with a phone/tablet. There is a lot of constraints though:

  • capital
  • available resources in the world (we’re going through a shortage of silicon and other electronics)
  • Human Resources, time and will (it’s been hard to do work during the pandemic while keeping your sanity)

I wonder if there is a pricing model that allows a company to build iteratively on a product with the aim of improvement and upgrades to be delivered in the future to customers… problem is that not all customers stay loyal and this would create loads of uncertainty (again going back to capital, people, resources, time).

That said, I think I’d be happy if anything released after 2021 didn’t suck in:

  • screen
  • sample editing
  • ui/ux
  • battery
  • wireless connectivity
  • just had the features MPCs had like in MPC 1000.

To build the perfect sampler I think it would take a Tesla (the car brand) strategy :rofl:

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And let’s add to that all the seamless integration with software/computer for when you want to move to DAW workflow…

But seriously there are companies simulating the world in complex scenarios, look at what Unreal Engine is doing or self-driving cars. If we all can dream the perfect sampler/beatmaking machine and there is high demand for it then someone perhaps will build it.

I like this post because it might inspire Elektron or someone to go in this direction even if not perfect.

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We need to be patient, the perfect sampler is to be announced in early September. :slight_smile:

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yep agreed. Also I don’t want to stifle the devs individuality but there is a consensus around the standard features and workflows that are needed in sampling beat machines… the synth community is lucky in that no one is debating the need for having midi or not, or stuff like filters… in contrast the beat machine community of devs is still deciding whether or not to add sampling in samplers or other standards etc…

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Not sure if genuine knowledge is being teased or if I’m being teased haha


it is far far more likely someone in the world knows this to be true, than that anyone anywhere knows this to be absolutely false.

September is also the time of the year when companies bring out the good stuff, so if it’s not the perfect sampler, it definitely will be the “perfect” something else. So we do have something to look forward to.


Me too. You called it.

Just to clarify, what you’re really asking for is perfect drum sampler, yes?

I guessing it’s a different requirement than big time film soundtrack person who is always looking for that better sampled orchestra - the one who stitches together a French horn solo out of multisamples, to go with some multisampled piano part for some sad dramatic scene.

The MPC 1000 and 2500 had a master EQ and compressor if I recall. Mine had it set the way I liked it from startup, so it sounded however I wanted it to. :smiley: My main issue with the MPC was that it’s not an Elektron device. I just prefer those now.

I’m not really asking for that, no (if directed at me). I don’t use multi samples (that seems like the domain of computers for some time to come). I want a true polyphonic sampler that can do beats (one shots) as well as use samples as oscillators for synths in all the wonderful ways already created. Comprehensive looping, plenty of LFOs, envelopes for making the ‘oscillators’ dynamic, multi-grain granular, wavetable, etc etc. Tracker does the playback modes very well but is limited in memory, CPU, sampling time, lack of stereo, FX, etc. Octatrack, Rytm, and DT have their own shortcomings, though the OT’s use of machines seems the most practical way of making the available parameters for each type of playback the most user friendly. Blackbox seems cool for long sample disk streaming but has a horrible UI and not as many inputs as it should. The SP-16 has great filters and useful features but seems unnecessarily hamstrung in certain areas other than dance music. You see what I mean? Everything is flawed in some ways but yet a combination of all the best features from lots of different boxes would dominate the top of the range sampler market for years to come!


It’s even harder to get a cappuccino

I think both methods should be seamlessly integrated and used parallel or mixed like “recording audio tracks into oscillators”.

WHAAATT ?! : )

Well I think there’s only one way to make a perfect modern sampler - to lock Dave Smith, Roger Linn and Dave Rossum at one house and don’t let them out until the finish it!


The timing of this comment in this thread is too perfect not to share this latest mini doc from Noir et Blanc Vie


It’s like sequencers, we have more than one if affordable-

I want my:

  • live looper
  • arranger
  • LFO-heavy mangler
  • (also sequencer)
  • pitch-er/alias-er

Hmm I’m skeptical that you can design a sampler to accommodate both beat-oriented requirements and the requirements of someone who works with orchestral samples for a living.

There have to be real reasons those soundtrack peeps never turned to Akai MPC for multisampled strings and brass, and dance music producers don’t use SpitFire Audio strings for anything other than one-shots.

The problem with trying to please all possible customers is you’re likely to end up with something that looks half-azzed to to everyone