Why has no one built the perfect sampler yet?

…and that’s before that annoying issue called money gets thrown into the equation

OP correctly pointed out that I don’t understand his requirements.

Don’t mind me.

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No need to take it personally, if that’s the case. I was just saying that my comment following yours discounted the multisampling world, which is a world unto itself and requires a lot more computing power than can reasonably be expected in a hardware sampler. I was trying to explain what could possibly be done if only certain baked-in restrictions were taken away given today’s manufacturing processes and access to cheap RAM etc. I’m only playing Devil’s advocate here. It’s just a discussion about potential possibilities.

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Oh, beat me to it! lol


Octatrack, polyphonic tracks with new timestretch and fx algo -> perfect


With multicoloured cases and usb power, just so people can complain about ground loop without googling how to fix it ?

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I still use two of those (Alchemy and Infinity). :blush:

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I really like Ableton’s Simpler/Sampler. If they would give it a polish, add a few more lfos/complex envelopes, granular options - that would be fantastic. Then embed that into hardware, married with OT sequencer and updated FX (and obviously better sound quality ~smirk~), I’d be first in line.


Alchemy was my everything during the 90s. Back when your computer might have less RAM than the connected sampler


I also loved Shortcircuit back when I was on windows: Shortcircuit by Surge Synth Team - Sampler/Sample Player Plugin VST

me too. favorite soft samplers. Straight forward but deep.
The bitwig one looks nice too

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I’ve heard the Bitwig one is excellent though I’m on Live. I’ve also heard they updated Logic’s sampler but I’m sort of Logic-adverse so can’t vouch for that. I did own Alchemy before Logic took it over and it’s excellent. To get back OT - these in hardware format would surely be excellent.

anyways back on the topic of Hardware Grooveboxes/sampling beat machines

sequencer though, it’s def cool but the groove box community needs to draw up a groove box constitution that spells out the consensus of needs in this day and age… ie everyone comprehends the prowess of the mpc sample editing, sample freezing, sequencer conveniences of pad perform, track explode, midi merge etc… the elektron probability/trig conditions, sample mangling, good FX, even physical consensus like most people would enjoy having 6 to 8 multiple outs… I mean this is a vague summation …

more than anything I’m just trying to draw contrast between the existence of the devs artistic vision (and rightfully so) and the definite needs of a user base that would fit the description of the kind of musician that would need or desire the end works of an artist who builds and develops beat machines…

there should be a line where everything under that line are the standards the user base needs and above that line should be the esoteric realm where ideas are debated and visions sculpted… but we shouldn’t be waiting forever on pins and needles for something like the novation rhythm to come out, worried about whether or not it has stereo capability, samples or doesn’t sample, trig conditions up to par with the Digitakt, or etc… all of those features should exist in the realm of the known consensus, not in the esoteric realm of the artistic vision imho…

I never thought I would say it but I wish beat machines were developed more like cars these days… so we could say well this is a great instrument but let me give you $300 more for the multi outs, the digital I/o etc… and let me pay extra for those needed sequencer features that should come on every sequencer belonging to a beatmachine… bottom line is we need to draw a clear line between what the included standards need to be


This!! I am waiting for Ableton to pretty much bring their software devices into an hardware form similar to Push 2 but perhaps smaller or improved design.
I know Push 3 is on the way I just don’t know what exactly it is and it’s mostly “hybrid” is what I was told. Don’t want to make this a thread about this device tho…


In short a Ableton Push +


In context, I think the PO-33 is perfect. I wouldn’t change anything about it. Now if it had a bigger brother, then my opinion would probably change. However, at its price and what you can do with it. It’s amazing.



Gotharman Ld3 does everything I want so it’s perfect for me.

I Really did not get along with the octatrack

at the end of this video Roger shows the Linn 2

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BB + (OT/Rytm/DT) is an insane pair. I see the BB as a companion. That’s just me though…

With OT, sample CUE outs into BB. Bunch of OUT options on BB for THRU tracks.

BB makes sampling from phone dead simple. Big storage.

It’s all personal opinion of course but some food for thought :upside_down_face:

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What is this application?