Why is the sampling Feature so Polarizing

quoting is just a fancy word for sampling


Bah! You got me! :angry:

I’ve been given what I want, and yet I’m still angry


Aren’t we all just re-samples of re-samples? It’s like a reflektor.

you’ve come to the right place my friend


My biggest concerns with devices which are not able to sample things is the transfer software and the long term support

I have nothing against/for including a sampling feature personally, and have no stake in the debate for/against, these are just my musings coming from someone who creates software professionally and occasionally hardware for fun.

But something that the argument “people think if the feature was there they would be forced to use it” fails to take into consideration is that developing products (both software/hardware side of things) is a battle of priorities, not only “what is possible”. As I mentioned in another post (Introducing Syntakt - #1566 by vblr), adding another feature, especially big ones, would make some other feature receive less focus (or be removed/not included at all).

When it comes to the Syntakt, the focus seems pretty clear (it’s written on the machine itself!): “12 track drum computer & synthesizer”. Probably this was stated first or very early in the design process of the machine, so whenever they start thinking “Should we add X?”, the answer would take into consideration if it fits with the overall goals. As mentioned earlier, adding sampling would mean that need to focus less on some other feature, if that “other feature” was related to drums or synthesis, then clearly sampling would be abandoned in favor of drums/synthesis, as those two things are the focus of this particular device.

Another consideration for any features to be added would be the additional cost of everything from research/development of hardware/software/firmware/additional personal on the project/support and so on, all which add to the final cost of producing the product and ultimately what price they can charge for the product.

Yet another consideration is ongoing maintenance and future updates. The more features the product has, the more difficult and costly it becomes to keep those features up-to-date with updates, and adding new features. If sampling was there as well for example, people expect that piece to also get updates when future firmware updates land, together with updates to the drums and synthesis, making it harder for Elektron to focus on the things they initially set out to build.

All in all, I’m happy with the Syntakt being what it is, and have no need of sampling in it as I have the Octrack for those duties. Would it be cool to have sampling too? Probably yeah. But would I be willing to trade anything of what the current Syntakt could do to get sampling? Definitely not.






no worries, this thread is just a Sampling of the forum :grin:

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agreed, sampling as an after thought isn’t tasty, but as developer’s go the Elektron developers are obviously very talented, if they wanted to go ahead and do it I’d trust their skill in being able to get it done… but anyway this isn’t a syntakt specific thread

perfect analogy…

My neighbor is an artist and art teacher. His personal medium is collage. I asked him at what point does a collage stop being art and start being a ripoff of someone else’s work He said, from a legal standpoint, if the thing you’re taking becomes more than 50% of the end product, that’s problematic. I assume there are precedent-setting court cases regarding what is appropriate in an audio sample.

People who like sampling, on the other hand, have soul. The question is, whose soul is it?


Usually Clyde Stubberfield’s or The Winstons’…




there is just so much more to sampling than what the mainstream media wants people to think hahahaha

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I love my DT and working with samples, the only borrowed samples I use are few in number and came on the +drive, everything else comes from recording myself. Its not that I don’t like the sound of chopped up vinyl, it just feels like a cheat and I get no sense of achievement using it.

people who don’t like sampling also don’t have to pay for every possible sampling-related feature.

at the same time, people who do like sampling don’t like to have it as additional feature, they insist that the device should have every possible sampling feature they find in dedicated samplers.

with ultimate argument: „because it’s 2022“ (2021, 2020, etc. — i remember it mostly from MC-707 discussions, it was 2019).

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Nothing more satisfying than multisampling every note of an instrument multisampling each note multiple times and plainying tonal changes controlled by velocity…

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and 2018 and 2017, and so on… the 'not having to pay for sampling features ’ is an interesting viewpoint. Personally since Elektron’s most recent release I’m in the camp that would appreciate an instrument from Elektron developed from a dedicated sample based focus so I haven’t made anymore sample request since the run up to it’s release… but I would never ask them to not add any feature because I’d trust they made something useful if they did

Autosampler in MainStage = ~$30


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