Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

Haha, took me a second look to see what you did here :slight_smile:

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Geez-O-Pete! That’s rich!

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yes there will be. it has no buttons, dials or faders as it is completely voice controlled. no song mode and it doesn’t work with overbridge but it doesn’t need to because it can communicate telepathically and transfer files to and from other gear via osmosis.


It would not seem strange to me that when MIDI 2.0 is finished, they will surprise us with a new MKIII

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That’s an optimistic “when” right there

They don’t even comply fully to MIDI 1.0 yet (see Bank Select/Program Change problems), which is how old now? “Born” in the early '80s?

They are not in a hurry for sure … :smiley:

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it’s for being an optimist man! :smile:
Maybe they read me and they feel motivated to do it :laughing:


I will settle for a quadratakt
DT format
4 stereo tracks
1/2 the machine, 1/2 the price
All the fun.


OT3 actually folds in half to become the DT2.


That’s interesting. Where did they go?

Was this actually confirmed or was it an Elektron urban myth?

In response to slow OS update criticism I remember reading about on these parts some time ago that the key OS development guys had moved on. Nothing official from memory. But a few posts around OT OS complexity being a nightmare to work through.

While there’s probably some truth to it (people move around all the time - it’s healthy to do so), I doubt it’s such a gigantic dark arts to work with or reconstruct. Surely handover notes/manuals would have been kept. What do I know though.

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I have worked a bit with software companies and have experienced that often the product that launched the brand had been developed without much plans or guidelines, often by a single developer. The result was something brilliant that worked when it was released, but the codebase was so undocumented and complexified that a apart from bugfixes there was not really a platform for evolution and major overhauls. What happens then, is that the company starts to rewrite the whole code from scratch, but will be torn between the urge to release new products in order to secure their place as a innovative market player, and the huge task of re-building an existing product from scratch. Often that is where the original coders leave because it’s a frustrating situation. I don’t know if that happened here, of course. Personnally I don’t mind. I think the OT MkII is a great device, it’s an musical instrument, and will remain so forever. The MkII upgrade was a smart move because instead of taking a risk by trying to rebuild the code they secured the hardware supply saving the OT from obsolescence.


An interesting read. Makes sense too. I suppose for a company of Elektrons size it wouldn’t be unusual for 1 or 2 key people to develop the core code.

Urban myth. See here:


elektron copy wrote the name ‘digistrike’ if thats anything to go by it could be some kind of super digitakt/ octatrack hybrid in the works. not exactly an otmk3 but there could be some kind of updated phrase sampler in development…

No that’s the new Digimon fighting game that Elektron is developing. I’ve been playing the alpha and it’s coming along pretty nicely. Augumon could use some balancing tweaks though…


we will see in time who will eat their words as they fall into disrepute as a shell of their former self and a disgrace to the entire clan.

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maybe sad news for all octatrack activities?


Sounds very interesting if Google Translate is to be trusted - it usually isn’t, but I’ll still save my coin :wink:

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@Dataline :thinking:
What’s all this German gossip about firmware breaking recorder buffer tricks? :scream_cat::grin: