Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

Yeah I know, I’m just a nightmare with naming samples in a useful way on the OT! So Ableton plus Mac to name things sensibly then find on the OT! I can guarantee in a month or so I’ll change my mind and go back to recording direct from Live!!!


Don’t bother naming or even saving them, just have those samples on Ableton and route the audio to the OT for live sliced playback, record the OT output into Ableton if you want, or just don’t worry about it and have fun in the moment. Throw different clips through the buffers every time… :slight_smile:


Yeah it doesn’t work on my mk2, just tried it on a drum break, changing the sample loses the slices and I have to redo it. If I do it while playing it sounds glitchy and messed up, big shame

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Yeah I gave it a go over the weekend and found the same. Definitely a shame as I was looking to much about with random radio sampling in that “classic” way.

A post was merged into an existing topic: What’s next for Elektron?

Randomizer, hell yes!!

Have you checked this out?

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Just got ot mk1 and dn, so will be checking out once salary arrives! Big ups to dev for making these. But randomizer itb would be mega awesome.

Pagewise itb randomizer simulator: Close eyes, turn knobs, done.


or take a page out of Vladislav Delay’s book:



Do you have reaktor? There’s an octatrack randomiser in the user library

Changing the sample, OK, but if you record over it, it should keep correct slices, if the recording has same length. Shorter length messes up the slices.
Pre - Slices main advantage for me : shorter loops.

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Why doesn’t he just close his eyes instead? I think I’d be more impressed if he was aware of every detail and hidden feature of that rig.

:joy: i hope its ok if i find it funny. Nothing personal!!!

Oh nice, I suppose I could load it on a different track and sample over it. I’ve got a big folder of raw cutz breaks that are all the same length so it was a shame to lose out on that trick

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there’s actually not much to that setup that would be drastically changed by covering the screen. other than the machinedrum. and if you know it decently well and don’t care about kit saving or song mode, working in this manner wouldn’t be that hard. three of the other synths (Sunsyn, Voyager, Omega), he just wouldn’t know the preset name. when you change presets, the knobs don’t move and they’re not endless. so you’re already sort of working blind there… the S1 and DRM are fully analog so unless he closes his eyes (when patching the S1, hah!), he’s not really changing anything.

hey, it’s not my stuff or my approach! laugh all you want!


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I was mostly thinking of how pointless it was to cover up the screen of the MD along with those racks above it that look like they’d require a bit of menu diving.

I’ve never played with the Sunsyn. but the last thing I’d ever want to do with a Jomox product is to make the UI even more cryptic. I always thought the Voyager and Omega had features that needed to be accessed by menus. I guess if he doesn’t have any issues accessing these features or doesn’t need them, covering all the displays of his gear with black tape seems less senseless to me.

any rumors about a possible Octatrack 3 release?

maybe with Overbridge compatibility? individual outs? CV/gate out? new granular engine?

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Don’t you think if there would be any someone would post it instant?

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