Wobbly Syntakt

Came for the wobble bass, stayed for the wobbly gear tips! :smiley:


Sorry to hear about the wobbly Syntakt. We are controlling that all units lay flat during manufacturing, and no unit should be wobbly out of the factory. We suspect that warping like this in rare cases could happen due to temperature shifts when the unit is in transit. It is very rare that we see reports of wobbly units.

First of all, make sure that the surface you’re placing the Syntakt on really is flat (most tables aren’t). What you can then try on your own is to unscrew the top panel and then screw it on again. When screwing it back on, start with the middle screws and leave the corners for last. Don’t tighten them too much. If this doesn’t help, I recommend that you contact support.


3D Waves make an affordable VESA mount attached stand / legs that can be positioned at 30 or 60 degree angle for around $30. That will give a stable base, but at an angle (which I like). It also allows more airflow for those that have noticed heat in the units although I have not noticed my unit getting hot.

They can be found of Reverb.

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Just a pity that they don’t have any distributor in Europe, and the shipping costs are ridiculous.

Wobbling is just a special feature of a second stand position!

I use a vesa mount for my DT at home. I assume the ST also has this option.

Wooooh! Thanks everyone for the suggestions.

Mine was a wobbler. I unscrewed all the screws and screwed them back in. Took a few attempts tightening them up in a different order but now I’m wobble free!!

Had many wobble problems with elektron boxes and even had one send to sweden to fix it. At the moment my AE OT has a slight wobble.
We talked about that in other threads. For that amount of money its a no go. Did not have the Problem on the Digi Boxes but on all the MK1 Style Boxes which are three. So seems pretty common to me. Mk2 is flat here as well, no prob.

You may be aware of these stands but may help if not…

I use a few on various bits of gear and they are solid as - especially with the Octatrack. Pretty amazing (well, as far as desktop stands go that is).

Put it in water overnight. Works with wood and paper.🥹


Got a wobbly one, bent it back as per Olle’s tip and it’s flush now.

Does it void warranty if something goes wrong with this?


same for me. Got the Syntakt 2 weeks ago and doen’t lay flat.

Anyway it runs well. So …

:thinking: It´s a thousand bucks, and the guys at elektron still can´t produce flat boxes? common guys. even the digi boxes now?

I got a TR8S that doesnt let the decksaver fit over it, its so skewed. I even bought a different Decksaver, and tested it on another unit, and its definitely mine.

metal has a bit of thermal expansion. hold your box in your hands and then twist it as if trying to flex the whole thing. it should be leveled after a few ‘flexes’

Nothing can go wrong, the box isn’t visibly flexing whatsoever, it’s a ridgid steel box, you can’t break it