Wonky knob / warranty

hi guys… 1.5 years with the MD all of a sudden 1 knob is not perpendicular anymore …
is this a warranty issue ?

(yes I know, I should open a ticket and ask support, but wanted to see others experience of abuse of machines :stuck_out_tongue: )

It’s possible that the knob has gotten misaligned on the shaft. You should be able to pull it off and see whether the shaft is straight. If it is, and you can’t put the knob back on securely, take a few pictures of it and send it to Elektron support. I imagine they’ll send you a new knob and not ask you to send the whole machine back.

hi ark, that is a soothing thought… hope you are right … will do that later … but if not? dooh! :sob:

The knobs are certainly intended to be removed, because Elektron sells sets of replacement knobs with a less slippery surface than the originals. And I know from experience that it is possible for a knob to be misaligned on its shaft. Moreover, the knobs are made of plastic and the shaft is made of metal; so it is much more likely for the knob to become misaligned than for the shaft to be bent.

So I’m optimistic.