Hi folks. I recently got myself a handy recorder and I was wondering if any of you had some recomendations when it comes to preparing them for use with the OT. I am talking about trimming away silence mostly I guess. (unless there is something else you like to do as well). So whatever is fast is good…
I was planning on doing it in the OT. Is there a good way to do this? I don’t want to save just add a “sample setting file” I want to save the trimmed sample as a new wav.
You could write yourself a sox script to remove silence (below a preferred threshold db, once detected for a preferred number of seconds/samples) and leave you with a more compact file. Also perhaps a good idea to combine L&R to mono, depending on whether nonzero crossing LR looping is important.
Would make for a more focused effort mining the file in the OT audio editor.
It’s a free tool you can download and write small files to perform audio tasks on a file or folder of files.
I use it to make chains suitable for op1, OT or rytm. Lots of handy features for affecting each file, trimming, normalising, filtering or whatever.
Idea is you create a script file and then you just use it over and over again to process target files. An hour of brain damage figuring it out, and then click of a button after that!
Audacity for PC is fast/free/good.
I also have a video tutorial for Reaper if you have that, which I made in response to a similar question on this forum. It’s here - https://youtu.be/1HlgaJN0ZMA
To get you started, here’s a 3 line sox script (windows) I made, idea being to squeeze 24 shots into a file below 12s. So the 24 samples you choose shouldn’t be too far off 12s length in total sum:
mkdir trimmed
for %%a in (.wav) do sox “%%~a” “trimmed/%%~a” --norm remix - fade 0 0.5 0.05 silence 1 1 -42d -1 1 -42d pad 0.025 0.025 rate 44100
sox "trimmed/.wav" “chain.aif”
how to use:
ensure you have sox installed and on your path
save the script in a .bat file on windows in a New Folder. Put 24 wav files into the New Folder.
what it does:
creates a directory in the New Folder called ‘trimmed’
Loops through the 24 wav files,
changes them to mono,
trims silence before and afterwards, including some tail from the likes of long fade out cymbals etc,
puts in a very short silent gap between them to help with chopping on the Op-1,
set them to 41.1k.
saves them in the trimmed folder
Joins them all together as ‘chain,aif.’
then just upload chain.aif over usb to your Op-1.
with a little bit of work you can make an OT or RYTM version.
tip: for this script I renamed the 24 samples as 01 BD xxx, 02 BD xxx, 03 SD xxx etc to keep them sorted and have a ‘memory’ in my folder that I could drop alternative BDs, SDs etc in if I wanted to alter the chain in future