WTB / Sell?

Ok, i am stuck here about my current synth/drum setup, which consists of:

[li]Access Virus TI2 Desktop[/li]

[li]Clavia Nordlead 4[/li]

[li]Elektron Analog Four[/li]

[li]Moog Sub Phatty[/li]

[li]Waldorf Pulse 2[/li]


[li]Elektron Analog Rytm[/li]

[li]NI [url=“http://gearslutz.com/board/gear.php?t=Maschine”][color=navy]Maschine MK2[/li]


When i look at the TI2 and the Nordlead 4 there is some overlap… but really like both. The Rytm and [color=navy]Maschine also overlap, but a bigger difference (analog/digital) The hardest part is the Moog, Pulse and [url=“http://www.gearslutz.com/board/fostex/a4-g1645/”][color=navy]A4… the Moog has its own distinctive sound… but the other 2 really overlap… and maybe in favor of the Pulse 2 which is twice as cheap.

What would you sell/replace? What good synth is missing in your opinion? My style is Trance, Electro House, Progressive, Techno etc.

In the past ive had:
[li]Alesis Micron[/li]

[li]Arturia Microbrute[/li]

[li]Clavia Nordlead 3[/li]

[li]DSI Mopho[/li]

[li]Elektron Machinedrum[/li]

[li]Elektron Monomachine[/li]

[li]Elektron Octatrack[/li]

[li]Moog Little Phatty Stage II[/li]

[li]Moog Minitaur[/li]

[li]Sherman [color=navy]Filterbank 2[/li]

[li]Waldorf Blofeld[/li]


Your setup looks fine to me. Now go make some music! :slight_smile:

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Heheh, true… though it feels like something is missing and some synth are almost the same sound wise…

Its because yer on the internet talking about it instead of making music.

Go bang some keys, plock some trigs, mash some pads.

To answer yer original question, being as this is an elektron-centric forum, I will suggest you sell the moog, waldorf, nord, virus, and maschine, then buy a monomachine, md, and octatrack. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Switch off all items except one (maybe Maschine or Rytm) and start making a track. Switch on another unit only when you need it. After a while, you can whichever instruments you never switch on. Only buy when there’s something you want to do that you can’t do with the existing gear.

Thanks for the input so far…

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