Xone 96 Mixer

Hi everyone, I’ve fell in love with what I’ve seen of the Xone 96 so far, and I hear it also has a very good (musical) sound, which I like.
I am interested in using it mostly as a live set performance but also studio mix for recording. I know some of you have a strong opinion about this, and don’t think it’s meant to be used as an interface. To those, I kindly ask to recommend me a better mixer+interface that would do the job with comparable sound quality.

To those, like @DaveMech , who are up for using it both as a performance mixer and as an interface, I have a question.

I am looking to connect 5 devices and a delay pedal, and what I wish to do is:

  1. live jam with all the devices, by quickly turning them up and down, playing with EQ and filters, cueing with headphones before bringing in a device, optionally sending some of them to the delay
  2. record via USB the dry signals of all the devices including the delay, as a separate track. In this way I can remove it and re-mix it later.

Note that some of my devices are mono. In order to fit them all, I thought I could insert two mono devices into channel 4 as L and R, so they get recorded via USB as individual mono tracks part of the channel 4 stereo channel. I would keep this fader down, otherwise I would hear them split into two different speakers.

Then I would cue Channel 4 with headphones 2, merge Left and Right into a Mono signal with a passive mixer, and return it to Channel B, which can be EQd, faded and sent to master.

Can someone more familiar than I am with the Xone 96 confirm that this should work? Is it possible to optimize it even further?

Watch out: the return channels don t record over USB. (But you can use them for sending audio from software into the mixer channel. Confusing. )

I know, that’s why I would send channel A to send 1, so that I can record it. Right?

Ok i see. I guess that should work.

Yeah… maybe not worth the hassle?

…maybe I’m missing something, but why not return the Delay to channel 4 and and take the M32 and Subhamonicon each to mono inputs A/B?

I missed your point earlier, you are right, that would be a bit better, but I wouldn’t be able to record both channel A and B, since I would only have one send available.

Can’t you record A and B directly like the Stereo channels if you go in the XLR input? I never owned a 96’ but the A&H website seems to imply it:

I have a feeling this was answered earlier in this long post, but aren’t those the inputs into the usb interface, like DAW outputs?

I start feeling like I need an interface with mono channels, and a mixer, giving me more flexibility. I don’t like it though

well, the annoying answer might be “if you just dropped one synth” , and then the 96 is perfect for this setup. But really, a mixer/soundcard that really accommodates jamming while multi tracking a dawless setup with more than 4 synths hasn’t been made yet.

I guess I don’t need to use them all the time together, so I could just use a patchbay or even premix them together with a passive mixer, and then make them share the same channel. On the top of that, the digitakt has two inputs, so i have many options, but I need to be a bit creative…

You can only directly send channel 1-4 over usb to pc for recording. The other 2 send to usb channels are the sends above each channel(send 1 and 2). So, you could record 4 (of your 5 devices) easily but the 5th would have to be done using a send.

See this -

Yeah, if I turned send 1 on Channel A and send 2 on Channel B, then I could record 6 devices (and no master), but I wouldn’t have sends to play with (except maybe overloading the headphones cues with that functionality)

Just been trying to draw your solution. Its seems just short(1 channel send) of possible to record all 5 boxes and delay return separately. You could setup all 5 boxes into own channels and have delay on the send but you would have to settle on doing the mix spot on and just recording the master LOL.

That’s not too terrible, I would still have all the dry signals recorded, and the delay applied live.
Then I could use the master, or re-record it later using the dry signals as inputs.

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Yeh could do that. Record 5 channels plus master. Mix and apply delay from vst/daw. Then have the live version and also make a studio mixdown version.

Hey fellow 96ers… anyone finding some noise from the left main outs sometimes when nothing else is on - all channel faders down?

It goes away after a minutes and doesn’t always happen - but it’s quite annoying when it does.

I isolated it is indeed the left out only - both booth and main xlrs. Changed cables and monitors.

Nope. Never had that.

Sorry, no.

Thanks everyone . It turned out to be the D input - one cable was the culprit. Thank goodness.