Yesterday’s email survey

For me, the small hard drive size made the Digitakt frustrating to work with. Without some program for sending in and getting upgraded to maybe 4 or 16gb (like the plus drive - but hard to imagine given DT sales numbers), or, a Digitakt mkii, there’s no real upgrade path there. I’d love stereo also, they are the only two real things that kept me out. So then there’s the Octatrack, which has stereo and a massive storage space, but no ability to stream out your tracks. It’s a rock and a hard place in some ways with both those devices.


a company dealing in warm water and cold ice can do better than a company selling cold water and cold ice to the same thirsty mofos.

dt is startin to get pretty chilly though lately so I’m curious what’s next for the ice department, we might all be in for a surprise :sunglasses:

what do you think is a better sequencer? i’ve owned the toraiz squid, have a norns, 1010 blackbox, ableton. but i havent really tried any of the fancy new ones like oxi one, torso t1, polyend stuff. i prefer the digitone technically for voice count, but i like controlling all of my gear with the dt, and two tracks per synth is great for laying down one melody then putting like longer root notes on the 2nd track or something like that. not ideal for chords, but i rarely use more than 4 voices on the synths i have when sequencing

i think the quantization on the dt & dn is perfect, i like the ability to p lock, i am used to the workflow to the point where i could operate it blindfolded via muscle memory

i like the idea of something like the hapax or deluge maybe(?) but i don’t see anything better in practice. i had high hopes for the retrokits calculator seq thing, but even that has some limitations that the dt doesnt (cant remember off the top of my head what they were)

i own an octatrack, a blackbox, a rytm, and a cycles. so it doesnt make sense for me to use the dt with its 1 gig and mono sampling for loops or even one shots most of the time. it is nice for when im away from the desk and want the modern sound mangling features+quality, but as a tool for production, i cant find a space for it in my setup. i’d love to though

i was just thinking about how much i’d love a modern all in one composition/mixing/sound design box. like a “digital four track” hybrid type thing. the octatrack is so close. the digitakt upgrades are even closer, if they were additions to the octa’s already powerful feature set. all they have to do is add more memory, more inputs, and somehow double the track count and i would never ask for anything ever again (aside from a poly va version of the DN with machines)

i think the main issue is that im spoiled for gear by elektron. i cant work with other gear that doesnt have the same features, but i also cant deal with the limitations of working with strictly elektron gear. but i think they make a powerful sequencer. the dt and dn are much better than the ot midi sequencer in my view (better resolution, quantization) but i can see how they could be improved

i’ve actually been considering trading my dt for a dn because i made the best music i’ve ever made back when i mastered the dn. but i dont know if i want to give up the 8 tracks of 4 voice polyphony for 4 tracks of 8 voice polyphony. tough call. i have the M, which is 8 voices, then the pro-1 and the crave which are mono, then usually a fourth one (was the hydra until a couple weeks ago)

i also like being able to label the 8 midi tracks with tape which would be tough on the dn. track names would be dope, as on the ST (similar to naming patterns on dt)

Same resolution. OT have arp, scale. I think it can record and pass thru pitchbend, aftertouch, modwheel.

Digi’s advantages : possibility to plock Program Changes (part change needed for OT). Better Note length values display…

yeah i’ve always just assumed the resolution was worse on the octa but never looked into it. why is it so much more wonky/rigid on the octatrack than the dn/dt? i record unquantized and it seems like it doesnt adhere to micro-steps with the same resolution as the digis. i always manually quantize by track afterward but i dont think the quantization function is the only difference

i do really wish the dt/dn could pass AT. that is irritating with the seq always between my launchpad & synths

Same resolution (24 per step, 96 PPQN), but different quantize behavior :
Timing placement on trigs - #4 by sezare56

So Digi’s probably have a better quantize behavior indeed.

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Just a thought. It could be utilising up to four of the same numbered MIDI tracks (corresponding to sample track number) to allow stereo sample playback?